Imagine for Nikawillavegail (1D)

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First imagine of 2017!!

Thanks for 3k reads, love you guys!

Not proof read, I apologize for any mistakes..

Willow's Pov
Age: 13

I sat down unwillingly in a dentist chair, my father made me come in after I confessed my mouth was hurting. Deep down I know it was something to do with my teeth, considering the fact I haven't seen a dentist in four years, but when you're afraid of the dentist as much as I am - you'll make up any excuse.

"Hello Miss Willow." Liam greeted, as he walked into the room with my father and two other dentists. It was a bit unusual for someone to have their father and his best mates as their dentist, but that's how it's always been for me.

"Wow! You had your last cleaning four years ago! How did this happen?"

"Well, ya see, Liam. I'm not the biggest fan of dentists and I guess I just managed to avoid those past appointments." Liam smirked in response and began to look at my x-rays with my dad, Niall.

"Could you both clean Willow's teeth while I look over these x-rays with Liam in my office?" My dad asked the two other dentists in the room, his expression seemed quite upset.

"Sure mate."

My dad and Liam left the room, leaving me with Harry and Louis, also known as my other dentists. Once they got their tools ready, put their face masks and gloves on, they were ready to begin. I felt the chair begin to tip backwards and this is where I started panicking, but it wasn't visible to Harry and Louis.

"Open up." I heard Louis say, his voice muffled by the mask. After a bit of convincing from the two of them, I opened my mouth and felt Louis slip his tools inside. He then began to call out numbers and different dental terminology, that I definitely didn't understand, nor did I want to.

I felt Louis' explorer get stuck and I'm guessing he did as well, it then got stuck quite a few more times which sent me into a small panic. "Hmmm, seems like you have quite a few cavities." Louis said, removing his tools from my mouth.

"That explains why your father wanted to look at the X-rays in his office." Said Harry. I almost forgot he was in the room because of how quiet he was. My father walked back into the room at the mention of his name, and boy was he angry.

"How'd she do mate?" My father asked Louis, how at the moment was now polishing my teeth.

"She has six cavities, but other then that everything looks good." Louis replied.

"Speaking of cavities.. Do you have any idea how long it's been since you last had a cleaning?! Four years Willow, four freakin years!" I zoned out for the rest of my father's lecture, thinking how I would get myself out of the this mess, but unfortunately there wasn't a way out, I was stuck.

"You need four fillings and two root canals. Do you understand how ridiculous that is for a thirteen year old?!"  Liam snapped as he looked at my X-rays once again. Deep down I knew he was right. It was a bit much for me to need all those dental procedures, especially at my age.

"Come on." My dentists motioned for me to follow them and I did, hanging my head down in shame as we walked to the dreaded room where I'd have my teeth fixed.

"Sit." Harry commanded, pointing at the dental chair. I once again sat down in the chair, my nerves getting even more worse. A silver, metal tray was placed down and I looked at it, bad idea. There was all these horrifying dental instruments and a syringe, one of my biggest fears.

If only I went to the dentist sooner.

Third person Pov

Willow's mouth was numb and the four dentists began to work on the first root canal. Of course they felt bad that she would be in so much pain afterwards, but then again she did bring this open herself.

Almost three hours later all the dental procedures were completed and Willow immediately jumped off the dental chair, running into her dads arms.

"I'm so sorry, daddy. I promise to go to my dental cleaning next time." She sobbed, her tears leaving wet marks on his shirt.

"You're okay princess, it's over now."

Willow hoped that she never, ever, ever had any other dental problems and luckily she didn't, for now.

So sorry for the long wait, but as funny as it my sound I am still adjusting into the new year.

All the love,

1D/5SOS Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now