13. Welcome to Mirkwood

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Too bright.

I winced in annoyance at the bright morning sun turning the inside of my eyes a pink, fleshy tone. Opening my eyes, I grimaced and raised one hand to my brow, shielding my eyes from the glowing giant.

Wiping away the crust that had formed in the corners of my eyes, I looked around, and felt a greyness seep over me. Not even a darkness, not even black sorrow. Just an unhappy, indifferent, and depressing wash of bleakness. I sighed.

After Celeglim's death, Legolas had urged to move on too quickly for my liking, but I understood deep down that we could not dig a grave and we could not mourn for him, not here anyway. Orcs would come and slay us, as news of the failed ambush would soon reach Mordor. But I couldn't hide my bitterness and guilt that I couldn't bury someone who means so much to me, and who deserves to be remembered, not rotting away as warg-food.

My legs felt heavy, as I stood and rolled my shoulders, preparing for the finale of our disastrous journey. I hope it was all worth it.

"Good morning, Erynriel."

Black against the silhouetting sun, Legolas' blue eyes looked up at me. I looked down at him in what I assumed was indifference, but by the way he rose to his feet and placed an arm on my shoulder, it was probably a look of defeat.

"You wear your heart on your sleeve, melon nîn." He said simply, his voice kind yet pained.

Despite likening myself to a stone-faced warrior, I realised I probably did express my emotions clearly, and I smiled at him despite myself.

He turned away to ready to travel, and I watched the orange sun in the far distance, letting the light soak onto my face, providing a tiny saviour of warmth. The sharp pain of Celeglim's death had settled as a dull throbbing in my heart, and I exhaled slowly.

It was hard not to feel down heartened, as I had finally felt that the wall Orthanc had built around my heart had started to fall. Now, it seemed strong as ever, with the only chipping pick-axe being that in the hands of Legolas, for seeing his smile and his caring blue eyes did make me feel warmer.

"Erynriel." Legolas called. "I know you want to stay, but it really isn't safe out here, he deserves so- "

"I know, Legolas. It's fine, I understand."

As Legolas held his hand down and took mine, pulling me up behind him, I didn't look back. I couldn't look back, for if I looked back I would weep. Settling with a quiet "goodbye" I wrapped my arms around Legolas' waist and looked only forwards. For that is the direction we must strive to go.

Watching the scenery change from flat, barren plains to meadows and forests, I closed my eyes and leaned my head against Legolas' back, as it rose and fell with the movement of his mare. The meadows were full of life and bumblebees the size of my head grazed lazily from plant-to-plant, getting fat and lazy from the nectar.

Rabbits perked up their ears as we rose past, their grey and brown heads popping up, their ears rotating and their noses twitching. A few fled as we galloped by, but most went back to their harvesting of grass, so unaccustomed to others passing by they did not fear us.

The long ride ahead- in which Legolas insisted I didn't have to ride at all- let my brain wander, and I absently remembered something my father had said to me all those years ago:

"Your brain us powerful, because what you think becomes what you say, what you say becomes what you do, what you do becomes who you are and who you are shapes your future."

I had always liked the saying, and had always taken heed to remember it. Although I never really remembered it in times when it would be of use, as calm and collected wasn't really my forte, and that was fine, because my father had always said it made me brave. Still, I didn't think about Celeglim, because that would make me angry and the only person within hurting distance was Legolas, and disforming his face would be a travesty to Middle-earth.

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