Soldier!Dean WinchesterX Reader-AU

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•• Title- "Coming Home." ••
{For some reason I'm on a roll with Dean right now sooooo..... yeah. I hope you like this one!!!}

527 days. That's how long it's been since you've seen your beloved boyfriend, Dean Winchester. The wait has been agonizingly long, your days and nights spent missing him.

Currently-you were sitting in the airport, waiting for Dean to get off of his plane from Afghanistan. You wring your hands together out of nervousness and happiness. Your right leg is bouncing up and down with excitement.
Around you, you hear a woman over the intercom calling for plane numbers and flight changes, people talking amongst themselves and waiting for others to arrive.

You decide to get up and walk around, trying to calm your nerves

'What if he doesn't come? What if he DiEd?!'

'No. That couldn't happen...'

'What if his feelings have changed?'

'Y/n! Quit thinking like that!'

You keep thinking to yourself until you decide to let it go. You look up, trying to see Dean, wondering if he's landed early.

You keep looking around. Your so engulfed you almost don't see a man in a soldiers uniform looking around excitedly. Key word-Almost.

You spot Dean and he spots you too. A giant grin graces his face and so does yours. He drops his bags and starts to walk towards you, walking turns to striding-and that turns into running. You do the same and run towards each other.

People notice and move out of the way,not wanting to interrupt your moment.



You say as you get a bit closer. You both meet each other and dean engulfed you in a hug, picking you up and spinning you around. You both laugh, tears and sobs escaping both of your lips. He slowly sets you down, hugging you and not letting you go. Your head was tucked into his neck and yours was being held by his hands against him-almost as if he's afraid you'd fly away. As you raised your head up, Dean did too and you crashed your lips against his. This kiss held so much emotion. All the "I love you's" you didn't get to say, and all of that time you missed.

"I missed you, Y/n."

"I missed you too, Dean. Like, a lot." You both laughed lightly at this-savoring this moment.

He hugged you tightly, then you both broke away to look at each other. He's gotten a lot more muscular-that was, of course, expected- but still. It makes him look much more....handsome? Yes. Hot? Heck yeah.

"I love you, Dean Winchester."

"I love you too, Y/n Winchester..."

'Wait. What?'

"Wh-what?" You say.

Dean take both of your hands in his, and looks into your eyes-his eyes were full of love and admiration.

"Y/n, being away has made me think. Who knows what could've happened? I could've died, but, I didn't. I don't want to lose you. I don't ever want to lose you. And, I was afraid I'd never get to ask you....."

"Ask me...what, Dean?" You say softly, looking into his eyes.

"To marry me." He says with a warm, soft smile.

Dean gets down on one knee, more tears fill your eyes. A hand goes to your mouth, trying to stifle your happy cries.

"Y/n, I've loved you for god knows how long.
Y/n, you're my everything and I love you so much. I can't bear the thought of being away for so long ever again. I love you too much to let you go. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, for however long it may be. So, what I'm saying is... Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you make me the happiest man to ever walk this earth and..." Dean pulls a small velvet box out of his military uniform, and opens it to reveal a beautiful ring with a modest sized diamond. It was simple but beautiful. And that made it even more magnificent. Dean continues,

"Marry me?"

You nodded your head vigorously and grinned.


Dean slipped on the ring and he wrapped his arms around you. (Happy) Sobs wracked through your body. Tears of joy streamed down Deans cheeks, a big smile on his lips. People around you clapped and applauded.

"I love you so, so much."

Dean says in your ear, his voice filled with so much emotion.

"I love you too, Dean. So much."

Dean swayed you two back and forth, comforting the pair of you. You sighed in content as he hugged you tighter. Happiness flowed throughout your body. It felt like you were floating, your heart swelled and your love for Dean grew stronger by the minute.

{HAIIII!!!! I personally LOVED this one! I'm thinking about making a part two of this- I might actually do that....hmm. ANYWAYS enough of my rambling! Comment and tell me if you want a part two! I have a couple ideas about it. OK OK IM Sorry!!! It's like, around 1:50am here so imma go to bed now!

Supernatural x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora