Sam/Dean!Brother X Sister!Reader

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{HEY-O!! I had a lot of fun writing this! I hope you like it!!! Oh- and in this one-shot you are a teenager,so you're age should be around 15. Btw-I'm going into A LOT of DETAIL with the date sooo yeeahhhh! THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG ONE!}

You tried to read the text from your phone, but your shaking hands made it impossible. You just got a text from your crush, Max.

Hey Y/n! Wanna hang out on Friday? Maybe even go to the movies?

Your eyes widened as a non-human noise came out of your throat. Your brothers eyes snapped to you. "What the heck was that...?" Dean asked. " Uh-ah-NOTHING! I was just-um, anyway! Do you guys care if I go hang out with a friend-and possibly go to the movies?" You ask hopefully.
Sam raised an eyebrow as Dean gave you a questionable look.
"Friday? Uh-I guess.... wait." Dean says as you sigh.

"Who is this 'friend' ? You've only been at this school for a couple weeks."

"Well not everyone's a loner like you, Sam, I actually made friends." You say
Sam feigns hurt and puts his hand over his heart and his mouth dramatically falls open.

"Mhmm! Well I, never!" Retorted Sam as he turned his head to the side-refusing to look at you.
Dean bursts out laughing," you.... good....Sammy!!!" Dean says in between fits of laughter.

"Well? Can I go or not?" You ask again,hopefully.

"Yeah. I guess..." Dean says.

You grin and grab your phone,typing your response.

Yeah! Sounds fun! Where do you want to meet? We can always go to the diner in town.

After a minute or two your phone vibrates.

Cool! We can meet up at the diner. And about the movies, wanna go see a Harry Potter movie?

Your eyes widened at the mention of Harry Potter. You grin and be gin to type.... until a voice stops you.

"Does this friend happen to be a boy?" Sam asks
You turn to them and your mouth falls open but no words come out. You sigh-knowing you can't lie. "Yes..."
"WhAt?! No! You are not going!" Dean shouts.
"Dean!" Sam yells at his brother.
"What he meant to say was," Sam says as he sends a glare to his brother. "That no. You can't go. I'm sorry, Y/n." Sam says softly but sternly.
"No. The answer is no." Sam replies to your outburst.
"But I already said yes! I can't just back out now! It'll hurt him!"

"So what?!" Dean says

"Dean!" Sam shouts again.

"Please, Guys! Just this once! I won't ask for another thing again! I really like him!" You say a bit desperately-also giving them your best puppy eyes.

They both sigh. "Fine-you can go....but you better be back before curfew!" Dean says.

"Ok, Mom!" You shout over your shoulder jokingly, walking back to your phone.

Of course! I'll meet you the diner 7:00. Is that ok?

You squeal again and you, once more, have all eyes on you. You look over at your brothers and stick your tongue out at them and in response, the roll their eyes and smile.

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