The Deadly Dangerous Obstacle Course of Doom

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Pistos POV

Flicking my hands I created a flame giving us some light to see. Taking a tentative step forward I grabbed hold of the railing to my side and began to walk down a flight of stairs. Spotting a few unlit torches I grabbed them lit them and handed them back to Annabeth and Nerida. I reached the bottom and found a long hallway with a door at the end. Halfway down the hallway the staircase suddenly closed.

"Okay, I guess were not going back that way," I said.

I took another step forward and heard a click and suddenly gas entered the room. 

"That can't be good," I said.

"No duh," said Annabeth.

That's when I heard the screams. All of my friends screaming for them to help them. Luke, Zoe, Beckendorf, Annabeth, Grover,  the list goes on and on. Then it changed instead of screaming in pain they began insulting me. 

"You're worthless," I heard Luke say.

"Why would I ever love you," sneered Annabeth.

"You lead my army? Not in a million years." taunted Chaos.

No I thought this isn't real, this isn't true. It's the gas, it's making me think these thoughts. The insults started to creep back into my head. "No," I thought clutching my head "You're fake leave my head now!" And with that my head cleared.  I saw Annabeth against the wall screaming in utter terror and Nerida yelling for help. Rushing over to Annabeth her screams became legible.

"They're everywhere! The spiders are everywhere!" she screeched.

"Annabeth it's fake none of it's real," I tried telling her as I wrapped my arms around her. Suddenly it changed as she began sobbing and pulled away,

"He'll never love me again, he's never coming back."

"Snap out of it Annabeth, it's not real, none of it is real,"

"He's not coming back, he's left forever."

"Annabeth, he will come back" I tried to assure her

Finally the crying subsided and she buried her head in my shoulders drained from the experience.

"It's okay now everything will be fine," I said.

"No it's not, nothing will ever be fine," she said.

That's when Nerida started screaming again, "Get away from me! Leave me alone!"

"It's alright Nerida none of it's real," said Annabeth trying to sooth her.

"Help me!" Screamed Nerida.

"Here let me try something," I said before I created a ball of water from the moisture in the air and drenched Nerida in it. It seemed to work because her eyes came to focus and she let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm guessing this is one of the traps Chaos was talking about," muttered Annabeth.

"Yeah and there's suppose to be more," I said

"That's great," said Nerida

We proceeded carefully down the hall. On the other side their was a  huge red door which we tentatively pushed through. It was pitch black on the other side and the torches gave very little light. 

"Ok guys lets be very very careful," I said

"That's the understatement of the year," muttered Nereida

"Alright be careful their could be trip wires-" I was cut off by a loud snap as I walked into a string. Suddenly out of the wall several hundred off arrows shot out. I let out a string of curses before jumping into action I quickly summoned all the water from the air and froze it forming an ice wall that stopped the arrows cold.

Percy Jackson Chaos' Greatest CommanderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt