Back at Camp

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Finally another update I'm sorry but I've been really busy.

Pistos Pov

When we got back a collapsed from exhaustion and so did Nico and Angel. Alpha used his speed and quickly got us some ambrosia. Gamyra walked up and asked "Where's Huntress and my troops?"

"They're at the Roman camp aiding them" Alpha answered for me.

She nods and walks off to continue training some demigods. Glancing over at my warriors and the demigods I say "Get some rest you guys fought hard today you can restart training tomorrow."

I then walk off to my cabin ready to sleep. I'm shaken awake by Torch a few hours later. I groan and mutter "What now?!?"

"It's supper time" he replies

My stomach growls and I realised that I haven't eaten in a while. I get up and I walked to the pavilion. I sit down and will for a burger and some fries. I stay quiet and observe the other cabins. The Ares cabin are arm wrestling each other, the Hermes cabin are stealing food of there siblings plate, and the Athena cabin are silently discussing various topics probably related to math or science.

Suddenly Chiron called everyone to attention and announced "Campers and Army of Chaos member as you may or may not know in two days time is the birthday of Percy Jackson and a day we shall take off in order to honour the great hero. You should also know that the donors of this camp and relatives to Percy will be arriving tomorrow. They're the Jackson-Blofis family and you will meet John Jackson-Blofis  the current owner of Jackson-Blofis Co. and his son Thomas Jackson-Blofis."

I stood there shocked I had family and  from what it seemed very rich family. Alpha looked at me with his eyes raised. I shrugged my shoulders.

Annabeth stood up and clapped her hands getting everyone's attention. "Alright listen up everyone today is Capture the Flag night." She paused as a rousing cheer swept through the crowd. "Anyways would the Army of Chaos like to join us?"

I stand up and say "How about me and my warriors half of the army  versus the camp and the other half of the army.

I watch as Annabeth silently decides she answers "Alright everyone will meet up in an hour and a half."

~Time Skip~

We were in our zone making a plan when I had a grand idea. I told everyone to defend the flag while I ran in and got their's. Despite a few grumbles of wanting to have the honour of winning nobody disagreed mainly because I was the commander.
Everyone got into position and Chiron yelled "Game on"

Neither side moved apparently we each thought the other was going to attack. After slight confusion the demigod side charged. Quickly I grabbed a random demigod and using my charmspeak I say "Tell me where the flag is."

He answers " It's located in the tallest tree at the back of the forest."

I let him go and I flew up quickly locate the tallest tree but I could also see Jason up in the air. Without a moments hesitation Jason blasts me with lightning. I dodge it and watch as he calls up his brother Tyler and his sister Olivia. They use the wind and quickly blow me back. With Hermes' speed I quickly strike Tyler knocking him out of the sky. I block a slash from Olivia, disarm her and knock her down to. Jason comes after me leading with two bolts of lightning. I deflect them with my sword block his slash and counter he blocks it a jabs at me. I caught with my sword and disarm with that trick a I learned so many years ago. Desperate he launches an array of electricity at me which I calmly avoid before knocking him out of the sky.

I land and come face to face with Piper she tries to charmspeak me into giving up but doesn't seem surprised when I launch my attack defeating her like the rest of those who faced me.

I search the tree without finding the flag I begin to believe that Annabeth may have lied to her team in case I used my charmspeak to figure it out. It's then  when I hear a rustle in the tree. Turning around I see nothing but them it hits me. Annabeth must be using the Yankees cap that makes her invisible and by touching the flag she made that invisible to. I look toward where I heard that rustle and I jump tackling something or someone. I stop in midair finding myself holding Annabeth whose hat has fallen off. I gently put her down before grabbing the flag now visible in the tree. I shadow travel across the line and Chiron announces "This game is over the Warriors and Army of Chaos have won!"

My half of the army crowded around me and cheered. I watch Annabeth and the others who looked miffed about losing. Soon everyone files out to the campfire probably to hear my second quest. I head back down to the beach and to observe the ocean.

It's sparkles now that Poseidon has heard news of me being alive. A few moment later Annabeth appears out of nowhere sitting next to me. We just sit there in silence for awhile when the campers start returning to their cabins. Suddenly a young girl probably four years old walks over. Annabeth looks surprised to see her and she quickly calls her over

"Abby get over here." She cradles Abby in her arms.

"Who is she" I ask

She is about to answer when Malcolm comes running towards us "Annabeth
I'm sorry she slipped away here I'll take her back with me to the cabin." He gasps out.

"Don't worry about it Malcolm I'll take her with me." She gets up and gives me a look that says we will talk about this later. I smile than head to my cabin.

On my way back more people are in awe of what I have done in those quests and wait excitedly for the third part which will be told by Thalia when the Artemis and her huntresses tomorrow evening.

And another chapter done AND I'm really sorry for not updating in a really long time.

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