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Elizabeth's P.O.V

Children passing by. Laughter filling my ears like sirens. Wind would tango with my hair. Blue air dancing on my eyes and the sunlight crashing on my tight up brown hair.

I would watch this day by day just staring into the blue and thinking of many ways to help these children.

Well how rude of me not introducing myself. I'm Elizabeth Benjamin. But mostly everyone calls me Liz or Lizy. I am a teacher at a little primary school but I'm with the youngest children. I'm divorced with three beautiful children, Ella is the youngest me-look-alike girl, Lola is the middle child that's a spitting image of me and her father and Ethan, the oldest son that's a perfect preview of his father. Evan Benjamin and I have been divorced for a very long time. Ella is sixteen so we would be divorced for eleven years.

The children usually spend time with their father who hadn't quite move on after our divorce. And well, I moved on with Leon Jones who I met him as this nice man who was very concerned in what I do and when we finally moved in together he changed. He would say things like, "you look hideous in that dress." Or, "you're so ugly, a beast wouldn't even take you to be his wife never mind a homeless man."

But then again that never bothered me because I didn't take him serious. What I cared most about is children being abused at their homes and bullied and that's why I'm set to live on earth and I admitted it to myself over a hundred of times when I felt like I couldn't take the pressure anymore.

Leon may say bad things to me but I know the truth and that is not to believe him but myself and the whole truth.

"Hey Liz." I look over my shoulder and see Evan taking a seat next to me on the double seated chair that was place under a big tree that had it's shadow planted over us.

"Hey Evan." I smiled at him that gave me a sweet look. Gosh, even though we're divorce he can still be handsome and hot as freaken hell.

"What's up?" He asked sitting back same as I did like in the 'olden' days. We never had anything to say to each other back then and now I just seemed to be missing it all.

"Oh just watching the children. I'm having my eyes on Nancy." I replied pointing my looks at the light browned hair girl that swinged on her own on a swing staring at the ground.

"And did you find anything?" He asked. As you should know Evan is one of the teachers that would possibly be set principal next year.

"Well I saw her father throwing her in his car yesterday and her mother just sat there irritated like a spoilt brad." I replied looking at him the same time he looked at me.

"Well that's something we need to sort out." He said half shocked. I nod with agreement looking back infront of me.

"And you?" I look at him as he started to speak. "How have you been doing?" He asked.

"Well uhmmm..." I take a deep breath as I breath my answer out half like a little lie but also the truth. "Great." I gave a smile.

"Great?" He asked with a smile that was hiding a bit. I bite my lip and look back infront of me at a kid that came running to us.

"There's a fight infront of Miss.Bridget's class." He said out of breath.

"Okay you go talk to Nancy and I'll sort out this messary." Evan told me and ran after the boy. I just looked at them until they were out of sighed. I stand up and walk up to Nancy that was all alone.

I take a seat on the swing that was empty next to her. Swinging forward and backwards I start thinking on what to say to her. Oh come on Elizabeth Benjamin! Just say something already!

"So..." I finally look at her that stopped swinging. "Wanna talk?" She finally look at me and nod with a smile. I gave her a smile back and hold out my hand as she took it regretfully. "I saw what happened yesterday." Why on earth would I start a conversation on that way.

"You did?" She reacted weirdly. I nod waiting for her to explain. "Well..." she look down then back at me half speechless.

"Nancy... It's now or never. I want you to trust me okay." I said softly as I also stopped swinging. A tear role out of her eye down her cheek as I felt a crack in my soul.

"Trust you?" She asked about to cry. This eight year old girl is making me regret the fact that I thought about talking to her but as much as I wanna run away I wanna hear her story. "Trusting people almost drove me to death." She said unhappily.

"That's because you trusted the wrong people Nancy." I said not knowing what I'm talking about. But I'm talking!

"How do I know you're the right person to talk to?" She asked. I look down and back at her with the right answer.

"You just know it." I replied trying to talk sence in her head. She took a deep breath and gave me a selfish look.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked searching for her answer.

"Why not?" I replied. She stand up and shook her head.

"Mam, you may be a good listener and I'm thankful for you helping the people that needs it but just as much as you're trying you actually can't help. You don't have experience with what we're going through so just stop okay. Just...stop." she start to run away. I feel tears appearing in my eyes. I stand up feeling like a failure. I failed and I admit it. Don't know why but it's starting to feel like she's right.

I'm just some teacher, not a psychologist. I need to stop.

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