Chapter 24.

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• Twenty Four : Naomi •

  ✨February 5th 2018;

I dry my hands on the rag, firing it down on the counter as I rush to answer the front door, which someone persistently continues to knock.

Haven't you heard of patience?

I expect it's Louis, or one of his siblings. He's decided that he wanted to take them all out for the day, to catch up on sibling time, and also, I know that's secretly code for spoiling them, not that they aren't also my intentions for them whilst they're here. I've already promised Lottie that her and I will go on a shopping spree, and I'll buy her some more makeup products, considering I know how much she loves it.

As for the others, I've told them to pick out things they want, and of course Daisy and Phoebe have chosen clothes shopping, which I'm also a little hyped about because I cannot wait to hit the shops and get myself some new clothes that I do desperately need; my wardrobe without a doubt needs an upgrade.

You can imagine my surprise when I open the door to see an unknown girl, which is particularly odd considering where Niall and I live; it's unlikely someone would just stumble upon our home unless they were looking for it.

She gives me an awkward smile through the gap in the door, just big enough for me to stick my head out of. I have a tendency to do this often in the case that I possibly won't know the person on the other side, or maybe they'll want to cause harm to me, so doing this heightens my chances of getting the door shut again. 

Call me paranoid, call me whatever you please, it just makes me feel at ease.

"Hey, um, I was told Niall Horan lived here," she explains in a weird accent - Irish, maybe, with a hint of Spanish?

Okay, so this is the house she's looking for. Now my question is, why is she looking Niall, and who the hell is she?

"Depends who's asking," I tell her, quietly, narrowing my eyes.

I mean, for all I know she could be a fricking psychopathic fan who wants to lick his abs.

Mhmm hunny, that is my job.

"I'm an old friend," she responds with an attitude.

Okay, okay, hun, tone that attitude back, I'm just being cautious, no need to get up in my face!

"Oh, okay. He's actually busy at the minute, do you want me to give him a message?"

She shakes her head, taking another step up the steps, towards the door as if waiting for me to invite her in.

When I don't open the door any further, she nods her head, "won't you let me in?"

I wanted to reply, "won't you fûck off," but decided against doing so, because unlike her I understand when it's necessary to bite my tongue and not say or ask unnecessary things.

"I told you he's busy..." I trail off.

"Look, if he has a girl in his room, I don't care, I can wait," she rolls her eyes. "You can make me a cup of tea whilst doing so," she beams, all too cheerfully.

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