Chapter 13.

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• Thirteen : Strong •

  ✨October 11th 2017;

"I wish I had of let you have Eoin. Maybe then he would've raped you and not me."

Silence. Complete and utter silence. Even two of the nurses passing by stopped and stared at Freya in shock. Caitlin looked lost, so did everyone who don't know about the incident.

"W-what?" Mia chokes out, stumbling backwards.

"Freya?" Caitlin whimpers, tears welling up in her eyes. She literally arrived just seconds ago and got caught in the middle of all of this, and she looks so lost.

"Whilst you spent your time in London trying to seduce Niall, he was helping fix me! He was the first boy I let into a bed with me, or hold me and have that intimacy that a relationship had. If you had of took him from me, I would still be the same damaged little girl who cried when any boy tried to touch me. If I was left alone with someone I didn't know, I instantly thought they would do the same thing Eoin and done and you want to know something Mia?"

She shakes her head, "I wanted my sister. I wanted the sister who I had shared everything with my whole life, even when I knew I couldn't, but obviously you got the opportunity to move on with you life, go out and party, sleep with what? Three different boys a week when you had given your consent."


"Don't Freya me," she barks. "You showed up that day," Freya's voice breaks, "you showed up that day Mia, and the only thing you worried about was that I had Niall's attention. You wanted to know why I wore his jersey to his match and you wanted to know why he was looking after me. Your jealousy was so clear, and for the first time in years I can finally tell you I'm happy with my life. I'm really happy.  I don't live in fear that Eoin's gonna do that to me again, I don't live in fear that the person I sleep beside is going to take advantage of me. I built a bridge and i got over it, eventually. I'm happy, Mia, so leave before I have to watch you try to seduce my boyfriend."

"Did you get pregnant?" Is one of the million questions she asks Freya.

"Do I look like I got pregnant?" She glares. "The asshole had the decency to use protection," all of a sudden Freya latches her hands to my forearm, blinking rapidly.

"I feel dizzy," I notice her face has paled drastically, and two seconds later she's vomiting on the floor in front of her. As much as I would love to comfort her and tell her everything will be okay, the red colour substance she's spitting on the tiled ground has me going into panic mode.

"Get the nurse," I look towards Louis. He runs coming straight back with a nurse I've took a great liking to over the last couple of days. She's been amazing and very understanding. She reminds me a bit of my mam if I'm being honest.

"Freya, sweetheart?"

"Can I ask you all to go to the main waiting room of the hospital on the second floor?" A nurse shouts. Everyone begins clearing out besides me, my mam, Freya's mam and Louis. Perrie takes a crying and shook up Caitlin, meaning she can't stay.

"Let's get you back to bed, love," the nurse tells her. Freya cries, her eyes glued to the dark red substance that just came from her mouth. I wrap my arms around her, gently helping her back into the hospital room, a bad limp in her step.

"Go to sleep. I love you," I tell her, pecking her forehead. "I love you, so much. You're going to be okay, you can't leave me, do you understand?" She tiredly nods, giving into sleep.

"What was that?" I ask as we step outside. "Shouldn't you be running tests? Will she be okay?"

"For the next week or two Niall it's going to be stressful, okay? That bit of blood is nothing to worry about, she was clearly getting herself worked up and stressed, something a patient in such a condition definitely should not be doing. It's up to her, love," Louis wraps his arms around me, as I close my eyes, my eyes welling up with tears. No matter how many times I'm told those words, my head cannot seem to register them and this is the reaction I have every time they're mentioned.

"I'll pay if there's anything more that can be done. I don't care about costs-"

"Niall, man, they're doing everything," Louis gives me a sad smile.

"But Lou-"

"But nothing Niall. She's Freya Clarke. The girl who dealt with her dad for years, who successfully got through being raped. The girl who has had so many struggles in life but has been able to finally get through them all because of you. She's got through everything because if you, so by you being here Niall? She's going to get through this because she gets through anything with your help."

I nod, trying to stay positive as I glance towards our two mam's, both staring at me with sad smiles. I turn to face the door of Freya's room, peering in at her sleeping figure and asking myself how I ever got so lucky to be able to say I fell for a girl like her.

Freya is a fighter and there is no doubt in my mind that she's going to get through this.

No more tears.

No more worrying.

She's going to be fine.

A/N - I have so much homework, send help people. Send help.

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