Parting Ways

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"Dean, I know how much you can't stand them, but think. We need to find them before Sam becomes one of the victims laying dead on the ground, a hex bag at his side." You explained, wincing when you heard his fist connecting with something.

"Damn it, don't you think I know that? Sam's my responsibility, not yours." He growled, his words digging deep. 

Taking a deep breath, you tried to talk Dean down, knowing he was acting this way because his brother was in trouble. "Dean, it's not your fault. Sam wanted to go to the pier. Their hideout can't be too far away. We'll go searching around there, see if we can find anything."

"No." He spat. "You're not going anywhere near that pier. If I hadn't been so focused on you, I never would have let Sam go by himself. It should have been you at the pier, not him. They weren't taking women. I need to focus on getting Sam back, with nothing distracting me."

"Dean, it's the fear and frustration talking. You will get Sam back, but it will go faster if we work together." You tried pleading with him, but it didn't work.

"I've got this. You stay back at the motel." He said, but you could hear the unsaid words. Stay out of my way, don't distract me. It hurt, knowing he thought that of you. How would the two of you have any chance of a relationship if you couldn't even work well together. 

"Dean, please." You started, and you heard him sigh on the other end of the line, thinking you were going to continue arguing. "Please be safe. I don't need two Winchesters needing rescued. But remember this. I care about you, a lot."

"I'll be safe." He grumbled before hanging up the phone, leaving you sitting there in the nice and spacious motel room, alone and dejected. With the case files still spread in front of you, you considered your options. You could stay here, like Dean told you. Waiting for him to save the day. Or you could try to help him out, save his brother before it was too late. 

With grim determination, you snatched up the case files, along with your gun. Taking some witch killing bullets from Sam's bag, you left the room. Grateful it wasn't a long walk to the pier, you began your trek, groaning when it started raining. Trudging through the puddles, you became soaked instantly, cursing Dean and his stubbornness for the mess he had gotten you into. If you happened to rescue Sam first, he was never going to hear the end of this. 

Only about a block from the pier, a car slowed down as it came up to you. "Miss, do you need a ride?" A middle aged woman asked. She seemed nice, a light smile on her face, her auburn hair pulled up in a messy bun. She was dressed in a pair of workout leggings along with a sweatshirt. Seeing nothing that looked like a threat, you nodded, wanting to get out of the rain. 

Shivering, you slid into the passenger seat. "Thank you so much. Not a great day for a walk." You told her as she pulled away from the curb. 

"No it isn't. Where were you heading?" She asked, humming alone to the music playing softly on the radio. 

"To the pier." You told her, as you looked out the window. 

"Why would you want to go to the pier?" She asked. "It can't be busy with all this rain. Are you sure there's no place else?"

As you turned to answer her, you glanced into the backseat, your eyes widening as you took in the bags in the backseat. Peeking out was what seemed suspiciously like the makings for a hex bag, along with items used for altars. "Thank you for giving me this ride. I hope it's not taking you too far out of your way." You told her, watching her carefully.

"Oh no dear. I live by the pier." She answered.

"So, if you live by the pier, you must have heard about all those poor men. Taken at the pier, and returned, dead, hours later." You questioned, looking to see if she was getting flustered.

Her hands clenched against the steering wheel, her eyes glancing to the bag in the back, giving you the answer you needed. "It is horrible, isn't it. I hope they catch whoever is doing it soon."

"Oh, I have a feeling the person," emphasizing the word person, "will be caught soon. Maybe even today."

You could see that you had her now. She was getting angry, and as soon as she pulled into the parking lot of the pier, she turned on you. "I think they might change from just men, to women too. Especially nosy little girls who can't keep to themselves." She muttered, locking the door before you could climb out.

"I'm not just a nosy little girl. I'm a hunter, and I know you're a witch." You told her, moving to pull out your gun. With a slew of words in Latin, she tossed a powder over your head. "You bitch!" You yelled, holding your gun up. Pulling the trigger, your hand wavered, sending the bullet flying past her head, shattering the window behind her. 

As you felt the powder taking effect, you lost control of your body. Stiff, and unable to move, you felt her take the gun from you, slamming your head with it before throwing it in the backseat. Putting her car into gear, she pulled out of the parking lot, just as you heard your name being called. Dean was racing towards the car, his gun in his hands as he saw you sitting there in the car. You wanted to scream, to warn him, but you couldn't even move your pinky finger. 

"Is that your boyfriend? My, he sure is handsome. Maybe we'll have to come back for him." She told you as she gunned her car down the deserted road. Wanting to tell her to go to hell, you couldn't control your body as she swerved around the corner. Smacking your head against the window, you heard her chuckling. "Don't you just love that spell? It's how I usually get my victim's. I bet you wonder what we do with them, aren't you? Well, you see. We're trying to find the perfect man. We have a spell, a powerful, but it requires a strong man. So far, none have worked, except we have high hopes for this man we got earlier today. But here I am, blabbering on. But you don't care, do you?"

Stopping in front of a warehouse, she opened your door, and with a wiggle of her finger you had no choice but to follow her. It was horrible, not having any control of your body, and you watched as you walked farther and farther away from your gun.

Stepping into the darkened building, it took you a couple of moments for your eyes to get used to the dreary interior. "Y/N?" Sam's voice rang out from the corner as your body stopped in the middle. 

"The two of you know each other? How delightful." The witch said, turning on a light, and you could see Sam hanging by his arms in the corner of the room, an intricate pattern drawn below him.

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