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A/N - I own Summer-Rose Carter too!

Iain Dean was cleaning out the ambulance. He looked up when he saw someone standing behind him. He turned to see Jez and a girl with blonde hair. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"My name is Kenzie. I'm Andrew Carter's girlfriend. Well I was up until two weeks ago," the girl said.

Iain frowned. "Was?"

Kenzie took a deep breath. "Andy ended his life four weeks ago. His depression got so badly. It was me who found him," she said.

Iain was shocked. He didn't know what to think. Andrew had been his friend through high school. He was thrilled when they'd been reunited in Afghanistan. "I'm so sorry."

Kenzie smiled slightly. "I knew you were his best friend so I wanted to personally invite you to his funeral next week."

"I'll be there."

One Week Later,

Iain walked over to Kenzie. He hugged her. "Thanks for inviting me. It meant a lot," he said.

Kenzie smiled through her tears. "Thanks for coming. He wrote a letter for you. Said it was for your eyes only."

Iain took the envelope and put it in his pocket. Kenzie smiled again. "Are you coming to the wake?" She asked.

Iain nodded. "Course."

Iain sat in the pub. He had been reunited with some of his unit. He opened the envelope.

It's been three years since we last saw each other. Quite a crap day that was too. Yet good at the same time. My girlfriend announced she had our baby. Can you believe it bud? I'm a father. I've a little girl. Summer-Rose. She's perfect bud.

This will sound insane but it's something I want to ask you. I know we haven't seen each other much but I want you to be involved in my Summer's life. She'll need someone to help her and to keep all the men away from her cause she's damn gorgeous.

I'm struggling so much bud. It's unreal. It's not fair on Kenzie or Summer that they go through this. I'm ending things. It's for the best.

Please, look after my girls. They mean everything to me.

All my love (yeah that sounds weird).

Iain was crying by the time he read the letter. He put it away just as he heard a faint cry. "Muma."

Iain turned to see a brunette little girl. She was the spitting image of Kenzie but with Andrew's hair colour. Iain drank the rest of his drink before walking over. "Kenzie?"

Kenzie looked up and smiled. "Hiya. Summer, say hello."

"Hello," Summer mumbled. She was stroking her mummy's hair. She looked at Iain. "He got same hair me!"

Kenzie grinned. "Yeah. Same hair as daddy too."

Summer giggled and held her arms out for Iain. Iain took her. "You know daddy?" Summer asked.

Iain nodded. "Yeah. He was my best friend. He gave me a nickname," he told her. He sat down with her.


Iain laughed. "Yeah a nickname. He named me Snuffles."

Summer giggled and cuddled into him. She felt safe around him.

A few hours later,

The wake had come to an end. Summer had stayed by Iain all night. Kenzie walked over. "Hey. Thank you for coming and for helping with Summer. It means a lot."


Kenzie sat down and began crying. She looked at Summer who had gone to get some sandwiches. "It's not sunk in yet. My boyfriend ended his life because he felt depressed. I would have helped him," she sobbed.

Iain sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. "He didn't want to burden you. He loved you and Summer. He didn't want to put you through it," he said.

"She'll grow up and forget all about him. I don't know what I'm going to do," she said.

Iain took out a piece of paper. He wrote down his number. "If you need anything. Anything at all then call me. No matter what time it is. I'll be there," he said.

"Thank you. It means so much."

Iain hugged Kenzie and smiled. He was going to help Kenzie. It was his best friends wish. He was going to honour what he wanted.

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