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-Chapter 4-

Sang Sorenson's POV:

The inside of the restaurant was beautiful. A big crystal chandelier hung from the center of a vaulted ceiling surrounded by intricate woodwork and long stain glass windows.

Luke pulled me past circular tables filled with smiling, chatty customers. We were so ninja that the man at the register didn't even see us slip into the kitchen.

Luke pressed a finger to his lips as we crossed the threshold into the chrome emblazoned kitchen. He put a hand on my head, as we ducked behind a counter top.

A deep voice singing Bon Jovi came rocking through the air, rivaling the volume of the radio.


A giggle slipped and Luke cupped a hand over my mouth grinning. With his free hand he did a bit of sign language: Do you know sign?

I nodded signing back. Mandatory to learn at last school.

Luke: You're pretty cool. He made a gesture of a heart throb and then winked.

We made our way around the counter to see a hulking boy around our age. He had dark hair and dark eyes, with thick brows which furrowed as he expertly cut up a carrot.

His skills with a knife could have gotten him a place on Master Chef, but when I looked to Luke, his upper lip was raised in protest.

He was actually glaring at the carrot.

I peeked around the kitchen, trying to find Luke's little brother, but it seemed the only person back here was the tan, broad shouldered young man.

I studied him another moment.

I knew that guy...

Grumpy! I realized with a start. He was one of the boys training with glasses boy this morning. He had waved to me!

I looked from Grumpy's enormous body to Luke's lean form. Surely they couldn't be brothers...and if they were...how could Luke be older?

I tapped Luke and began to sign. Where's your brother?

Luke pointed to Grumpy again and signed: Go get him, tiger. He winked before pushing me out into the open.

Tomato red. That was the color of my face as I stumbled into Luke's brother. He caught my arm, practically gutting me with the big knife in his hand. "AHH!"

"What the hell are you doing back here? This is for staff only!" he gruffed over my cry. I couldn't tell if he was really angry that I was back here or if it was because I had interrupted his solo.

The boy wore black from head to toe. He had even managed to get his hands on what appeared to be the only black apron. Luke was replacing the rest of the white aprons with pink ones.

I tried to focus my gaze on Grumpy's face.

"Well?" Grumpy's eyes searched mine, impatiently.

My eyebrows went up as my face became a mask. Don't blow this! "I...I'm sorry, but I wanted to know who was singing. I...like Bon Jovi."

He snorted. "You?"

I nodded.

My lip twitched as I saw Luke wink at me. He was replacing all the packets of tea with hot cocoa. Luke must have had this planned for a while...

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