Chapter 18: Doctor Knows Best

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-Chapter 18-

In the morning, I dressed carefully, preparing my self for the mile long walk to school.

No more bus for me.

The walk was going to be rough with all of my bruising, but I would be damned before I would ride the bus of nightmares again. Or if I had to see Kota...or Nathan...or any of them.

Plus I wasn't so sure I could hide all of these bruises from them. Especially Victor. The way his warm brown eyes searched me over...he would notice the cut on my lip and if I winced when he touched me.

The others might not notice. I had been flinching away from Luke since day one. He would just smile and hug me tighter.

A soft laugh passed my lips as I padded slowly down the sidewalk beneath the rising sun.

I would probably cry if he hugged me today.

My wardrobe had reverted entirely back to my old garb. I wore a grey long sleeve tee and loose fitting jeans. My sneakers were old and worn.

Who the fuck cared if I looked nice?

At least my bruising was covered and the burn on my arm. I took the time to disinfect it this morning, but it was still open and raw like a punch biopsy that had never been stitched up.

The bandage on my forearm helped to stop much of the rubbing, but the deep purple markings on my skin made it difficult to take a breath as I walked. Worse so, each step caused sharp pain to cut up across my abdomen and around my side.

Each step.

There was no way I could risk running into the boys. I couldn't explain myself. They wouldn't understand.

My mother was sick.

It's the medication.

She cannot help it.

The school was coming into sight over a hilltop and a sudden query struck me. What had Mr. Blackbourne done with the kitten?

That kitten had cost me a beating. He better have at least found it a good home. The sweet little kitten deserved at least that...

Head straight to the office, I reminded myself. I could not be detoured. If I didn't get out of those classes with the boys, we would have to move again.

My family couldn't afford that.

We were supposed to stay in Charleston until Marie and I graduated.

The thought of Marie had me groaning.



I still had to find a way to get her that fifty dollars by Friday...or did I? She did rat me out to Mother about the fight yesterday...but then again, a fight had nothing to do with my new friends.

Hell, my new friends hadn't even been there.

New friends, I couldn't think like that anymore. I had no friends. North had made it very clear he didn't want me around. He didn't want his friends talking to me, because I was some stupid girl that only blushed and giggled.

North knew I didn't belong with them.

I could take a hint.

I entered Ashley Waters High School and stepped through the blinking metal detectors before making my way to the office.

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