Bardock x Gohan x Male!Reader x Goku {Chapter One}

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by InuwriterCor-976,
Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction


“What…the actual…fuck?” I nearly shout as I wake up in bed, Bardock and Goku both asleep on either side of me. Both of them open their eyes a crack, looking at me and then each other curiously before leaping out of the bed.

“What the hell!? Why are you in my bed!?” They shout at me at the same time.

“Screw both of you guys! What kind of men are you, that you steal into someone’s bed at night!?” I shriek, holding the blanket up to my body, like some manner of woman. They look around and realize that it really is my room, both of their cheeks turning a bright red. Like father, like son…?

“Hey dad?” I hear Goten call out as he knocks on the door. “Vegeta’s here…he said he wants to train.” Goku raises his eyebrow but shrugs.

“Thank you Goten.”

“Also: tell Mr. (Name), he smells weird and for some reason its makin’ Gohan freak out.” Bardock and Goku both look at me, mouths wide open. I sigh and shake my head, opening the door.

“Hey little man. Tell Gohan I’m sorry for whatever he’s smelling. I’ll take a shower real quick.” Goten nods and walks off, practically marching down the hallway towards the room he shared with his brother. I can’t stop the smile as I turn, walking past the two adult Saiyans. Bardock’s eyes widen as I go past, his nose twitching before suddenly he’s behind me, an arm around his waist, the other hand gripping my wrist. “Ah! Bardock!? What are you—?!” He starts to nibble on my ear—oh god he’s already hit one of my weak spots, a strange, purring noise coming from his chest. I lose balance and would fall were it not for Goku sandwiching me between his and Bardock’s chest. What…what the…Someone else knocks on the door but this time it’s much more violent.

“Kakarot, open up!” I go to answer the door but both stop me.

“Don’t answer. Just stay quiet.” Goku growls out in my ear, nipping my shoulder. The door starts to bounce on its hinges. “Dammit…fine.” Goku pulls away from me, opening the door to reveal a furious Vegeta.

“Want to explain, Kakatot, why you have a sub who’s in heat in your house?” He asks, calmly down surprisingly quickly. Goku looks down at the shorter man, obviously confused.

“A what in what now?” Vegeta sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“A sub. In heat. A submissive organism. In heat. They’re ready to mate.” Bardock is still all over me, going back to nibbling on my ear and palming my crotch through my pants. I struggle, blushing and trying not to moan as I’m fondled.

“S…s…someone please get him o…off…” I beg, my body trembling. Goku walks to his father, prying him off my body.

“Let Vegeta explain.” He turns towards me, an odd glint to his eye. “Then we can have some fun.” Vegeta sighs, crossing his arm over his chest.

“It’s simple. (Name), as you call him, is in heat. That makes him desirable to various types of males. And if I’m correct, the Saiyans typically would mate with his race. Therefore, that makes him even more desirable than usual. There’s a reason Gohan is having issues. He can smell you.”

“So what do we do?” I question. The thought of sleeping with…well any of the men here…I can’t say any of them weren’t attractive to me…and in otherworld I’ve had more than a few encounters of casual sex but…still.

“Either (Name) sequesters himself so as not to be bothered, or submits to one or all of you. The only one who isn’t affected by this would be Goten. He’s too young.” I look down at the ground, wrapping my arms around myself. “And with that tad bit of information, I believe I should take my leave. Don’t scare him off Kakarot.” Vegeta calls out over his shoulder.

Male Dragonball Characters X Reader/Male Reader X Male CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now