Vegeta x Female!Reader

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by InuwriterCor-976
Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Im back, although im still not feeling well but I'll keep sharing this beautiful stories for you to read here. :-) thanks by the way :-)

“Be alert ladies, we’ve got a special guest coming!” The woman screams, clapping her hands together to get all of us to rush through the tent. She walks up to me, her stride urgent. “(Name), you’re the best damn healer I’ve got in this tent. I need you up front, now.” I nod and wipe my hands, calling over another healer to help the Saiyan I was helping. I follow her to the front of the tent, the whole while her filling me in on the various injuries.

“Look, Suika, I can understand he’s got some grievous wounds but why did you call me?” I ask, practically having to jog to keep up when she walks faster. “You could just have a team hel—”

“It’s Prince Vegeta. They want the best of the best and that would mean having you.” I stop dead in my tracks.

“Prince Vege—Prince Vegeta?! Suika, how did the prince get so horribly injured that you need me?” I practically shout, getting up beside her.

“They managed to ambush his squad. Everyone is affected by war (Name). Even royalty.” The glare she gives me tells me to stop asking. I swallow nervously and nod my head, hurrying to the cot the prince is on. I can only gasp in shock at the wounds.

“My lord…” I breathe out in shock, running my hand over his cheek. It would be unsurprising to say that I had developed a crush on our prince, but I’m certainly not the first. My hands glow blue with my ki, wrapping around his body and slowly but surely closing his wounds. The small cuts go away fairly easily. But of course, using it would speed up his heart rate…ki speed up the healing process, it didn’t magically heal the wounds.  So this was still putting a huge strain on his body. I can feel his heart stop and yank my hands back, the ki unwrapping and vanishing. “No, no…shit!” The entire group that was surrounding me goes quiet as the tension in the air increases. My ki comes off in a few sparks and I press them to his chest, hoping maybe it’ll work. After a few tries, I press my ear to his developed chest, listening for his heart beat and ignoring the blood that is surely getting on me. A sigh of relief leaves me when I hear the quiet ‘ba-bump’ of his heart, getting off him and wiping the sweat off my hands on my pants. “He’ll be fine. The worst of his wounds have been moderately closed. But his body cannot handle another shock like that just yet. Wrap his wounds and when he’s conscious again, I’ll heal them the rest of the way.” I order some of the nurses standing nearby.

“Of course ma’am.” They say, bowing to me and getting to work. I look over my shoulder at the unconscious prince and try to ignore the color to my cheek, hoping that people will chalk it off as stress and a bit of adrenaline. When I look forward to go continue my work on other soldiers, my eyes widen to find the King only a foot or so in front of me. I shake my head in minor shock before dropping to my knee in respect. Or rather I would’ve had the large hand on my shoulder not stopped me.

“Uh…? Sire?”

“Rise.” Ever so slowly, I stand to my full height, at attention. “What is your name?”

“I…it’s (Name). Sire!” I add quickly, eyes aimed at my feet.

“You were the one who healed my son…?” I nod quickly. “…I’ve ordered him to be moved to a personal tent. You will be his personal nurse. I want you to watch him: do whatever you do best.” I nod again and the King turns without another word, stalking out the tent, probably to head back to the battle. Suika walks up to me, obviously curious.

“So…?” She asks, leaning back against a table, arms crossed.

“A…Apparently, I’m now Prince Vegeta’s personal healer.” I say, stuttering just out of shock. She shrugs, looking fairly impressed.

Male Dragonball Characters X Reader/Male Reader X Male CharacterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя