Chapter 3.

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| A U S T I N |

- A Week Later-

"Willow, is that everything?" I hear, coming from the living room and I burrow my eyebrows, setting down my newspaper and taking my cup of coffee with me as I walk into the living room.

Becky and Willow are standing in the middle of the living room with at least five suitcase between each other and I glance at my watch, that read, March 13th. I realized today was the day Becky was moving across the country with my children.

"Um, yes I'm pretty sure that's about it." Willow says, with the biggest smile on her face and Becky nods, taking her eyes away from me.

"Alright. Well, we should get to the airport. Are you joining us?" She asks me, her hand on one of the suitcases.

"No but I will say goodbye to the kids." I say, setting down my mug on the coffee table and I grab a suitcase, rolling it out to the Jeep.

I set the suitcases in the back of the car, all three kids sound asleep and I kiss each of their foreheads.

"It's only 3 years, you'll see them again. They'll facetime you every night, okay?" She says as she gets into the passenger seat, Willow hopping into the driver seat.

"I know. Take care of them for me." I say, kissing her forehead as well and I shut the door behind her as she adjusts in her seat, buckling her seatbelt and I watch the car pull out of my driveway and disappear at the foothills of the mountains that surrounded our house.

I walk back into the house, my now empty house and I grab my mug from the coffee table, taking it back to the kitchen.

Here's to the next 3 years of lonesome.

| B E C K Y |

We make it to the airport just in time for our flight and I walk the luggage and the kids to our terminal as I helplessly held on to Mason, who was dangling in my arms.

"Let me help you." I hear faintly in the crowds of people around me and I turn to look at a young man, carrying nothing but a backpack on his right shoulder.

I smile at him, exhaling a sigh. "Thank you so much." I say as he takes Mason from my arms and one of the suitcases.

"No problem. Are you moving or something? It's quite a lot you're carrying." He laughs.

"Something like that. I got business to take care of in New York." I say, setting the luggage beside a few set of chairs and I take a seat, Adelaide and Case follow, sitting beside me and I take Mason from the young man's arms. He sits beside me on an empty chair.

"Oh, cool cool. Maybe I'll see more of you, I'm also on my way to New York for a few months and then I'm back to England." He says and I didn't notice he had a heavy British accent.

"Oh, what are you doing in New York?" I ask, bouncing Mason on my thigh.

"I work at a modeling agency. I'm one of their new models for a new clothing line that was recently launched." He says with the proudest smile and I giggle.

"That's crazy, that's why I'm going to New York, I got a modeling gig." I laugh softly and before he could answer, my flight is called and he helps me with Adelaide and Cade, plus the extra luggage as we make our way into the plane.

5 hours later, I make it to the penthouse in the city that Trish had kindly rented and furnished for me. I set Mason down on the couch, while Adelaide and Cade run around the living room area like mad monkeys.

I decided to shoot Austin a text, letting him know that the kids are safe and sound. He responds within minutes as if he was waiting for my text and I say nothing more. I sit on the couch, running my hands along the soft crème material and I sigh. I didn't really know how to feel about being so far away from Los Angeles and the father of my kids. That was all i had know for so long that being so far away from any help was atrocious but this was my dream, finally happening so I couldn't throw that away.

My train of thought is interrupted when I hear a loud knock and I groan as I stand, peeping through the peephole and I find Trish eagerly waiting at my door.

I open the door. "Oh good you made it!" She says, enthusiastically and she throws her arms around my shoulders, engulfing me into a huge hug. "I have some paper work for you." She releases me from her hug and welcomes her self in, walking into the kitchen.

"Sure come in." I mumble under my breath, rolling my eyes and I close the door behind me and I drag my exhausted feet to the dinning table.

Trish starts babbling about the salary, the hours and how everything would go down next week and I try my hardest to concentrate on her words, knowing that this information was useful, considering I started in a few days but all I could think about was the california king sized bed waiting for me just across the gigantic condo.

I nod effortlessly at her every word, throwing in a few "uh huhs" and "mhms" when I thought it was most needed, not necessarily taking in her words. She left after 20 minutes, leaving papers I needed to sign on the dinning table, which I would get to eventually. I shuffle my way towards my room, noticing that all 3 kids are sound asleep on the couch and I decide this was the perfect time to catch on my own sleep.

| A U S T I N |

~ 5 days later ~

"Have you heard from her?" My mom asks from the breakfast bar as I pour a cup of coffee and I shake my head.

I knew that now, being so far away from me, she wouldn't acknowledge me anymore. Flying to New York to surprise her and see my kids had crossed my mind a few times but I decided against it knowing that she would hate the idea of me bashing into her new life unannounced but I had a right to see my kids after all.

"She'll come around, honey. Give her some time. I mean, she can't keep those babies away from you forever." My mom says and I notice how sad her face looked. She missed them too.

"Maybe you should go find her." I abruptly say, leaning against the counter. "She can't scream at you the way she would at me. Plus she loves you so she'd be delighted to see your face." I say as I take a long drink of my coffee and my mom scoffs.

"Honey, I would but I genuinely don't think she wants to see any of us. I just find it so disrespectful that she took your kids without even discussing it with you." Her eyebrows knit together.

"They're her kids too, mom. I mean, yes, it's hurtful but I had been keeping her from her dreams for so long that I decided not to fight with her on this one. I miss them but I know they're better off with her." I say in one breath and my mom nods, understandingly.

As much as I hated the idea of being so far away from my kids, I knew that letting Becky finally achieve the goal she spent years talking about, was far more important than my needs. After all, it was my fault she never got to it. This was evidently the least I could do for her, even if it meant that it would cost me the time I could spent with my kids.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." My mom finally answered, breaking my chain of thought and I stood there in silence, not really knowing how to keep the conversation flowing.

oh my god, i've been gone for so long but i decided to update. i know you've been asking for a new chapter so here it is. i don't know if i'll be consistent with the updating but i'll try.

i miss you guys and writing lmfaoo💓
i hope you enjoyed though. leave me your thoughts. love you.

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