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Hello babies.
Welcome to the sequel to Satisfactions, if you haven't read it, I recommend you do before reading this one. Trust me, it'll make better sense.
I hope you enjoy this book as much as the first, I love you so so so much.

|A U S T I N|

Her hands were on my hips, I could feel the tension behind her touch. She didn't want to leave, but I left her no choice. My lips mere inches from hers and I wanted nothing more than to feel her flesh but the other woman called my name. Her lustful eyes intrigued me as she extended her long, silky arm to me but all I could think about was Becky, her mind screamed for me, she wanted me to hold on but she was fading as she reached out for me and my fingertips grazed her palm but I know I'm not quick enough to hold on to her because suddenly she was gone.  She vanished into thin air, just like that.

I jolt in my sleep, causing me to wake up and I could feel the droplets of sweat drip onto my bare shoulder and I sighed, wanting nothing more than to fall right back to sleep. Everyday for the past 2 months, the same dream at the same time. It was exhausting.

"Get up Mahone. Enough moping, you have an interview today." Alex says, pulling the covers off my body and I sigh, my hands resting on either side of me as I sit at the edge of the bed, my feet dangling to touch the ground.

It was a dream, I thought. I've been having those for a while a now and she wasn't even here to calm the
anxiety. She wasn't here to fill in my void.

The room falls silent, no children screaming my ear off, no wife to yell at me for leaving my dirty laundry on the bathroom floor. Nothing. No calls. No texts.

I had gone from a happy, millionaire artist with a family and a fan base to penniless and completely alone. I wasn't "Austin Mahone The Million Dollar Record Selling Artist" anymore, I was just.. Austin.

I change as quickly as possible and I make it downstairs, finding my mom and the guys at the dinning table,
followed by Willow, who was serving eggs and bacon.

"Good morning, Mr. Mahone." She says and I reach for a glass cup from the cupboard and  I set it down.

"Willow, we've spoken about this. Call me Austin." I say, patting her shoulder and she nods, with a shy smile and I pour orange juice in my cup  and I walk to the table,  sitting down.

"Sweetie, you look so glum today." My mom points out, teaching out to touch my shoulder and I sigh once more.

"I'm fine, mom. I'm just stressed with the record label, that's all." I say and she takes a bite of her eggs  before nodding.  She knew to drop the subject and for that, I was thankful.


Ten minutes into breakfast and  I dose off as the guys argue about tonight's party they'd be attending and I let my mind wonder elsewhere.

I couldn't stop thinking about Becky and my kids. They were off somewhere, god knows where, without me.

"Austin." I hear faintly and it brings me back to reality.

"Yeah?" I ask as I look at my mom.

"You should go out tonight. You need it, you're always stuck here. Go out and have fun, baby." She says, setting her hand over mine.

As much as I wanted to go out, I couldn't and I was afraid that I would never have the courage to find someone else because no one else could fill in my void.

They weren't her.

Becky was.. Well Becky but them, they were absolutely nothing compared to her. She was different. The kind that drove you crazy, insane maybe but somehow that craziness made you fall in love. That's what I found in her, she drove me crazy and I loved it.
Hell, I loved her. I was damned to fall in love with Rebbeca but she had something I needed, craved, wanted, she was like my personal heroin and I had become addicted.

I remember her small arms wrapped around my neck as she stood on her toes and she examined my face like she wanted to dive into my thoughts or into my soul and live there forever. Her lips were parted enough to hear her exhales, my lips inches away from hers and the world seemed to spin as her brown orbs consumed my hazel ones. I wanted to kiss her, to taste her but I held against it. I had learned that she never truly loved me, the way I loved her.

I knew she was here out of loneliness, out of heartache, maybe even heartbreak but I knew, most of all, that she still loved him despite the fantasy we created, despite the fact that she was mine or had been mine for such a short period of time and despite the fact that I've learned to love her, she would always love him.

But she was my satisfaction.

Yes that last part is the prologue to the first book,  I changed a few things to it and of course I added a little to it.  I'm so happy to be doing this, I found my inspiration to this and you already know, if you read the last book, they're gonna go through hell(;

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