Chapter 1.

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First of all, thank you for the 28k on Satisfactions. I can't believe it, you guys are amazing.

Second of all, there won't be many images or gifs unless I find really good ones and also, this whole book may or may not mainly be Austin's POV unless I say otherwise.

Lastly, I will be taking recommendations, if you have any ideas for this book or any book, you can always message me.

Enjoy the first ever chapter to the sequel❤️

| A U S T I N|

-3 Years Later-

"Seriously Austin, we have nothing in the bank. Our accounts are frozen and your stupid record label, is doing noting to support you." Becky sneers as she slam the bank statements on the table and I run my hands through my hair.

"What do you want me to do?!" I frustratingly yell at her and she holds a frown on her face, the face I could stare at for hours.

Mason wobbles his way into the kitchen, he was barely learning how to walk and my anger seems to ease off from me as I look at him. He was so identical to me.

"Nothing, Austin. I want you to do nothing." She says, reaching down to pick up Mason and I wave at him, making him squeal in his mom's arms as she walks out and storms upstairs.

I sigh, looking over the bank statements again and she was right, we had nothing and soon enough, we'd lose everything. Even the roof over our heads.

"Daddy?" I hear and I change my body language as my 5 year old daughter walks in through the doors.

"Yes, princess?" I question, gathering the bank statements and I place them into its folder and I set the folder into the brief case.

"I need help with my homework." She says,
climbing into my lap and I chuckle, wrapping my arms around her and I kiss her cheek.

"Okay, what do you need help on?" I ask and she pulls out her homework, placing it in front of her with her pencil and I look over the work.

"Everything." She says shyly and I laugh lightly, taking the pencil from her hand and I begin jolting down everything she needs to know.

"What's two plus four?" I ask and she ponders before she shrugs. "Baby, if you don't try, you'll never know. If you have 2 cookies and Cade gave you 4 more, how much is that?" I ask, holding my fingers up and she hums.

She begins counting my fingers and I watch her. "6. I'd have 6, daddy." She exclaims happily and I smile widely at her.

"Good job. Now write it down." I say and she does so. I kiss her head as she keeps working and I sigh softly into her hair.

I walk upstairs, finding Mason alone in our bedroom as he played with his toy trains and I walk past him, finding Becky in the bathroom.

"Hi." I say softly, placing my hands on her hips and she looks at me through the mirror and gives me a small, an unsatisfied smile. "Sorry." I say, removing myself from her and she sighs.

"Austin." She retorts and I look at her for a brief moment and she extends her hand out to me and I hesitate to take it.

"I'll be in the studio." I say, leaving her hanging and she nods, the tears pooling in her eyes already and I shut the bathroom door behind me.

"Dada." Mason shrieks, hugging my legs and I pick him up, kissing his chubby cheeks and he giggles. He jumps in my arms as he shows me his train.

"It's so cool, baby boy." I say before setting him down again. "Be good for mommy, okay? I love you so much." I say and he crawls on the carpet before he sits up and he waves at me as I leave.

I head downstairs, grabbing my keys from the coffee table and I walk to the garage, getting into my Rang and I pull out of the garage, heading into the city.

I pull into the parking lot to the studio, turning the engine off and I sigh, getting out and I make sure I lock the car before shoving the keys into my pockets and I walk into the studio, being greeted by Mike.

" 'Sup man?" He says as he pats my back as I give him a quick side hug.

"Are we working on my unreleased shit today?" I ask and he nods. "About time, Mike. I need to start selling again." I say.

"I know. We'll talk about that today in the meeting." He says and I nod, walking into our room and I find Robert talking to Alex, who is seated on the couch.

"Austin, my man." Robert says, patting my shoulder and I bob my head towards both of them.

"Are you collabing with me?" I ask Robert and he nods. "Alright. Can you drop some verse for me ?" I ask.

"Of course. You might want to keep the fire extinguisher around." He winks and I
chuckle as he walks into the booth and I cross my arms over my chest as he warms up.

Within an hour, we have Robert's full verse and I debate whether or not I should record this song or not.

"Austin." I hear from the door way and I turn to Mike, my thoughts quickly vanishing. "Your wife is in the lobby." He says and I sigh.

"Tell her I'll be right out." I tell him and be nods before closing the door behind him and rest my hand on the back of the leather chair."If I don't come back in 20 minutes, call the cops." I say.

Robert chuckles and he nods before I walk out of the room and I could hear Mason whaling. I rub my hand over my face and I take a deep breath before I round the corner and Becky comes into view.

Her foot is taping impatiently on the tile floor and Adelaide runs to me and I pick her up in my arms, blowing raspberries into her cheek and she giggles.

"I need money for groceries, Austin." She says with a harsh tone and I whip out my wallet, giving her at least 80 dollars and I hand them to her.

She takes them from me and walks out. Lola, the receptionist gives me a look and I sigh, knowing exactly what she was thinking. I carry Adelaide out to the car.

"I'll see you at home." I say as I look at her from the rolled down driver's window and she nods, putting the car in reverse.

I watch the car leave the parking lot and head towards LA traffic before I walk into the studio building and go back to recording.

"Everything okay?" Riley, one of my producers asks as he turns around in the leather chair and I nod, keeping my private life, well, private.

I turn to Robert, who's sitting in the booth when I enter and he gives me a nod. "I think she's planning on divorcing me." I say softly, leaving Robert in confusion as I put on my headset.

I had the feeling and I knew what was coming, she was planning on leaving me.

I have so many ideas for this book, y'all don't even know. You guys aren't ready.

I hope you enjoyed babies ❤️

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