Ch. 1 Asking Mother

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Amy's POV
It was a hots Summer day and Mother (Rouge) went out for her daily errands. "*sighs* Well Lucy today is the day Im going to do it I'm going to tell her!" Lucy my best friend, my pet blue bird, technically she's the only person I can really trust,Besides mother.
------ 12:00 noon--------
mother was coming home and Amelia has finished all her chores.
"Amelia Amelia Let down your hair!"
"Yes Mother!"
Amy threw down her hair and hauled her Mother up.
"Oh darling! are you OK ?"
"Yes Mother. Thank you for your concerning of my safety."  Well darling I always want to make sure your safe out of harms way." T-Thats good and great mother but I had something to ask of you?"  "Honey come here real quick!". As mother had me coming to the mirror she looked into next to me saying "I can see a beautiful young lady ... look there's you too !" She starts to laugh hysterically "Oh darling I'm joking. ... you must stop being so serious!" "Yea ehhehe *clears my throat* Um Mother I wanted to ask you something?" "Hmm and what I'd that my dear?" "I w-wanted to k-know i-i-i f I can " "honey stop with the mummblung an stuttering you know I hate that all the ma ma ma its very annoying my dear." "oh o-ok  since my birthday is coming up I wanted to know" "Nope that's impossible sweetie I excellently remember your birthday was last year." "Yea that's the funny thing about birthdays there yearly hehe." "But anyway mother I wanted to know since I'm turning eighteen to row I wanted to leave." "Leave what my dear?" "Leave this.. this tower." As Rouge stood up and walked over to Amy and give her a serious look  "Amelia your not leaving this tower." "But Mother I. almost eighteen and able to live on my own so I "WANT" to leave this tower." Rouge gripped her shoulders "Amelia I said no."  " But mother" "No Amelia" "But the Lanterns on my birthday every year Mother I want to see them " "AMELIA NO." "BUT MOTHER!!" "AMELIA I SAID NO .. AND YOU ARE NEVA LEAVING THIS TOWER!!!!" Amy's ears flatten and she looked down "*groaned* Now great I'm the bad guy no" Rouge said while sitting  back into a chair. "Mother?" Amy said in a whisper . "Yes Amelia?" "I figured what I really wanted for my birthday." "And what will that be?" "remember the white shekels you got me when I was younger the ones I used to make my paint?" "but honey that's a three day trip?" "I'll be fine remember I'm not alloud to leave the tower so I'll be fine " Rouge smiled and kissed the top of her daughters head and left "I'll be back in Three days time" "Alright mother love you" "you to my little flower." As Mother left me and Lilly I felt bad yet heartbroken for asking mother such a question.

Amy's POV
Oh Lilly I feel so bad right now for mother . She must be feeling trouble about yelling at me. What must I do!" Lilly just shrugged her little wings and perched on her shoulder ..

preview of next chapter
while far from were Amy is a thrift was in progress

Authors note
hello I hoe you like this so far ... I'm making this out of my memory so cut me some slack plz .. but I'll be trying to publish more frequently so I'll keep y'all posted ....

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