epilogue.) luna and eva

Start from the beginning

"Oh, my God. You're expecting." Alfie says, loudly from behind us. I look up at him to catch his smile. "How long?"

"A few months. We haven't really told anyone yet." I answer as Joe talks to Daisy over my shoulder. Joe is really good with children, especially for a boy. Most guys I've seen with kids aren't too goofy and silly, like Joe and Alfie are. They are two of the best dads that I think I've ever seen. I also think that it helps that they are always home. Both ours and their family always have both parents home, so there's so much time for bonding and love. The relationship that Joe has developed with both Luna and Eva is the cutest thing. I can't wait to see it happen again.

"Hopefully, we'll finally get a little boy." I say, tapping Daisy hand that rests on my cheek, making her laugh loudly. She has Zoe's curly, blonde hair and bright smile.

"Joe wants another little girl." His sister says, pointing at my husband where he coos at Daisy. He nods in agreement, holding out his arms to hold his niece. I kiss her cheek shortly before passing her beside me.

"Oh, my God. Do you remember this?" Zoe asks, pulling on my arm to make me look at the photo she's pointing to. It's a Polaroid of Zoe and I on a beach. She's holding on to my wrist as she screams loudly. I'm laughing hysterically in the picture. I had just told Zoe that I was pregnant. We were on vacation at the time, hence why we are on a beach. I actually thought she was going to leave bruises on my wrists from how hard she was holding them. She was probably more excited for me to get pregnant than I was, and I was ecstatic. "I loved that trip. Even though, I was eight months pregnant and threw up probably the first two days."

"Of course I remember. I was terrified you were going to give birth on vacation." I answer, laughing before pointing to a picture on the next page which is Zoe and I crying on the couch together while watching a sad movie. My bump wasn't too big, but it was big enough too balance a bowl of ice cream on.  "You were supposed to get rid of that." I say, giving Joe a look that I often give the girls when they do something wrong even when they know it's not right.

"Okay, but did you ever tell Zoe how you told Joe you were pregnant with Luna?" Alfie asks, scrunching his nose up at Eva when she pokes him in the cheek.

"I thought you just told him?" She ask, turning away from him to look at me. I shake my head before I begin to explain how I revealed my first pregnancy to Joe.

He was out at the time, and I woke up feeling nauseous. I didn't think that I was pregnant, but Regina told me to check anyways. That's how I found out that I was pregnant. I felt weird just casually bringing it up to Joe, so I decided to change it up a bit. When he got back, I screamed in our bedroom to make him rush in. I told him that there was a spider in the bathroom sink, and I remember telling him how scared I was of the "spider", but it conveyed over in how scared I was to be a first-time parent. Joe almost cried when he saw it, and it made me almost cry from how happy he was.

"Aw, that's cute." Zoe says, flipping through the pictures quickly. "Why have I never heard that before? That's so weird." I nod, looking over the pictures as well. She's reached baby Luna, and I wait for Alfie to look down and see the pictures so he can make so kind of joke. Luna was born with so much hair. Every time Alfie sees a baby picture of her, he makes some stupid joke about it.

"Why is there a bloody wedding picture way back here?" Alfie asks, leaning slightly over to point at a picture at the bottom of the page.

"Joe. That's why." I say before he places one of his hands on my knee. I look back at the picture.

It had to come from Caspar's disposal camera. The picture quality kind of sucks, but it's one of my favorite pictures. The same picture is hanging up somewhere in the house. My hair and dress are covered in cake as I laugh loudly, trying to find Joe to get him back. I don't think any of the cake at our wedding actually got eaten because so much of it was on ourselves. I think that this is the only picture from the actual wedding that is hanging up in the house somewhere, except for the one on my bedside table that was taken during our dance to All About Us by He is We.

"It's so nice of you to watch the kids tonight." I thank both Zoe and Alfie. Zoe wraps her arm across my shoulder and hugs me tightly.

"Anything you need, love." Alfie says before rubbing Eva's back. I look over my shoulder at Joe, who is still holding the baby close to him.

"We probably need to get going, yeah?" Joe says, bouncing Daisy to make her laugh. I almost don't want to go. I love spending times with all the kids so much, but we haven't been out in awhile.

Joe passes Daisy back to her mom as Luna runs up to the bench. "We'll back in a bit, bug." I say, hugging her quickly. I stand from the bench to say goodbye to Eva, who is still clasped in Alfie's arms. Her little head rests sleepily on his shoulder. To avoid waking her up, I gently kiss her forehead before pulling Joe back into the house.

"Do we have to go out?" I end up cracking as I rummage through the kitchen looking for the car keys. The brunette leans his arms on top of the counter in front of me as I stop in front of the stove. "I don't really want to go out anymore."

"We never want to go out anymore." He laughs. "We've officially become full adults. Kind of scary, isn't it?"

I turn and look out the window above the sink. Luna, Violet and Ryan sit by the garden, playing with some of Luna's toys. Eva is still sleeping in Alfie's arm as he talks with Zoe on the bench, where she tries to calm down a screaming - but happy - Daisy.

Looking around the kitchen and into the living room, I see a lot of different paintings that I've done over the years. The sunflower one is hanging in our yellow kitchen, and honestly I can't believe I've actually kept it this long. I can see Joe's study/office door by the TV. Its floor is overrun with toys and a sippy cup.

"I think we've done pretty good, Sugg." I tell him, holding his hand tightly.

"Of course we have." He says, pulling me around the counter. He holds me close to him, wrapping both his arms around my waist. "We couldn't have done any better." He whispers. He kisses my cheek quickly before pulling away just enough to see my face. "We've got this, babe."

"Hell yeah, we do." I smile, kissing him.

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