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"I'm behind bars. Arrested for a crime that I didn't commit."

"Don't be silly, open the big window and enjoy this beautiful view."

"But they don't have one. Their dreams are prisoned."

"Who? Hey, babe, looks like I'll get promoted next week!"

"Children in Syria."

"why are your eyes teary?"

"Just like the eyes of Jerusalem ."

"What? Anyway, let's have dinner. I know you didn't have lunch today."

"It's alright. Children in South Africa don't remember when the last time they ate."

"I know you like the restaurant down the road. I'm taking you there."

"Do you think they will let me in?"

"Why wouldn't they?"

"I don't know, why wouldn't they let the hijabi lady in with her children?"

"What's going on? We just bought our first home together!"

"My heart is surrounded by sorrows. Just like Palestine is."

"You're not making any sense. You seem in a very very bad mood. Maybe because lately, you refuse to go out and enjoy liberty."

"Do you think I'll be judged by my skin color?"

"Honey, no! What's wrong with being white? I never heard such a thing! I got my keys. Up up."

"What's wrong with being black, then?"

"My love, my sunshine! Why are you so upset? Just smile and have fun."

"I'm withered like my country's flowers. Withered just like a crying mother over her son's body in Baghdad."

"You worry over trifles."

He took her hand in his and went out to enjoy life.

The end.
Disclaimer: I do NOT intend to offend anyone. So please don't feel offended by my work.

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