Chapter Five

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~Fia's Pov~

Jack and I are on our way to Jamie's house. Apparently he lives in Burgess so he might be one of Emily's friends, but I haven't actually met him before so it's a little exciting. I hope we can get him to see me.

We make it to his house, Jack lookes into his room to see if he was asleep, I look in as well, it looks pretty cozy. Because Jamie is asleep, Jack opens the window.
  "Are you sure about this, Jack?" I ask a little worried we might get in trouble.
  "Of course, don't worry, I do this all the time." He replies while going through the window.
  "Whatever you say." I say following him. Jack went up to Jamie's bed and shook him a bit, he jumps up with a start.
  "Ahh!" He whisper shouts.
  "Jamie, it's me."
  "Oh Jack, thank goodness, what's up?" The little boy says, yeah he is Emily's friend now that I have a good look at him.
  "Nothing much. Hey do you see anyone in this room other than me?" He asks a bit hopeful.
  "Umm no.. why?" I hang my head down.
  "Of course." I mumble.
  "Have you heard of Fiametta Flame?" Jack asks another question.
  "Yeah! Me and my friend Emily talk about her quite a bit."
  "That sounds like Emily." I giggle, giving Jack a hint that I know her.
  "You believe in her, right?"
  "Of course!"

Jack gave me a "go ahead" look which means I'm supposed to show him I'm real. I make a fire ball and shoot it up in the air, it turns into red flakes flying around making a little light in the room, Jamie looks amazed.
  "Whoa.. is this her?"
  "That's amazing.. but I still can't see her." Jack looks at me a little sad.
  "Sorry Jack." Jamie says with his head down.
  "Sorry Fiametta." I look at him and smile a bit.
  "Jack, tell him I said its okay."
  "She said it's okay... maybe it's just not time yet, I'm sure you'll be able to see her soon." Jack reassures Jamie.
  "Yeah, can't wait." Jamie says.
  "We gotta get going Jamie."
  "Jack, can you tell him to tell Emily that I'm real.. please?" I plead, he looks at me and smiles.
  "And Jamie,"
  "Tell Emily that Fiametta is real for me and her."
  "Thanks, we'll see you later."
  "Bye Jack, Bye Fiametta!" Jamie says while Jack went out the window.
  "Bye Jamie." I say softly with a warm smile, and walk out the window.

~At the Workshop~

We make it to the workshop and see Pitch on top of the globe. Oh no this can't be good! We also noticed that Bunny is small... weird.
  "Well well well, look who made it back... The Power Couple!" I swear I'm gonna kick his butt big time.
  "What do you want, Pitch?" Jack asks with an angry tone.
  "Actually I'm here to get what I've been wanting for a while now and no one is gonna stop me." He laughs then disappears.
  "Where did he go?" Tooth asks. Next thing I know I feel something grab me from behind, I know it's Pitch.
  "Hey! Get off me!"
  "Your coming with me whether you like or not."
  "You know I'm not going to join you!"
  "Fine.. if I can't have you, then no one can."
  "Fia!" I hear Jack yell, then we disappear.
Aw Snap! Cliffhanger! Haha
I wonder where Pitch is taking Fia *strokes chin*
I guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter! Bye guys!
Word count: 606

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