The grand news...

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"Hee Ku-ssi! Come here for a moment..."

"Just a moment...I'm coming!", she quickly moved her fingers over the keyboard to finish her earlier assignment and rushed to her boss's room. Every single afternoon, working for this company and studying at night combined with the morning classes made her life a really busy one, but that one in special was busier than the others. The main cause was that one of the colleagues was hospitalized in the morning due to a severe injury in the leg. As an intern at the company, the rest of the work was left in Hee Ku's hands. She was prepared to receive a big scolding from her superior...he rarely called her to his office...this wasn't giving her a pleasant feeling...

She entered in the room and closed the door...the TV was on...

"A corpse was found near a school earlier in this afternoon. According to the police identification, the body belongs to a 23-years-old woman named Kim Yoon Ji. Yoon Ji was the ex-girlfriend of one of the most famous groups in the moment: BTS!  The specialists believe indicate Jeon Jungkook as one of the primary suspects. The Big Hit Entertainment didn't give us an statement yet about the case..."

Hee Ku couldn't move for a moment. Did she hear it right? Kim Yoon Ji? But that's...involuntary tears fell from her face...the woman on TV was...her best friend. No...that couldn't be true...could be? I mean...they hanged out yesterday...

Hyun Su Goh turned around to speak with her, but he saw her crying...

"Hee Ku-ssi...are you okay?", he got closer to her, "Wait...did you know the woman?"

She simply nodded...

"I'm sorry to hear that...". He was embarrassed to not know exactly what to do since he was caught off guard...he wouldn't have thought that Hee Ku knew the dead woman..."Would you like some coffee or ice-cream?", it was the first thing that appeared in his mind...

"No...thank you Su Goh-ssi...sorry for being so emotional all sudden...this is the first time I'm receiving the news...". She whipped her tears quickly. "Why did you call me here, if I dare to ask?"

"Actually..."-he handed to her a lot of paperwork-"You are the best person for this case"-he tapped her shoulder- "I know you can pull this off..."

As he left for lunch, she looked at the was Yoon Ji's case...


"Are you sure of this, Su Goh? There are better interns for this case..."

"I couldn't be more certain about something in my life, Ae Suh"

"If she really is related to that woman, she is a suspect too, don't you think so?"

"In technical terms, yes. In my opinion, no"

"I know you have a special care for this girl since you worked for her father, but you are letting this affect your should reconsider..."

"IF you want to state in this should review your position too, Ae Suh. I know you don't like her because she knows your the way...criminal cases aren't really your area, so it will be what I decide", he kept walking...while Ae Suh stayed behind.

"I will prove to you that damn girl is real culprit...just you wait Su Goh..."- she told herself...

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