Episode 4: World's First Doctor

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Episode 4: World's First Doctor - Part 1

Nattie didn't bother Hades the following day. She didn't bother to bid good morning or goodbye, only braced herself for Cerberus's cranky bark. There was a small debate about whether she would face the bite or the flame. She was glad not to see Hades at all because of last night. For the first time, she was looking forward to attending school. Something was happening today, meaning no homework (except for Herodotus's class), giving Nattie time to finish her geography project for Miss Cassiopeia.

Hercules was flustered when meeting Nattie in homeroomium, not that she could blame him, considering last night's event. He tried to switch seats without looking her way - the task was unsuccessful, for the girl had ears.

"Herc, set your ass down," Nattie's command snapped the boy into obedience like a trained puppy. "Wonderboy, you don't have to be scared around me."

"N-Nattie, I-I thought you didn't want to see me - you know - after what happened-"

"Herc," Nattie cut him off with a raised hand, offering him an assuring smile, "There's no need to get all worked up."

"There's not?" he questioned.

Nattie scoffed in laughter, "No. I know you didn't mean anything by it. Just got caught up in the moment, that's all."

"I did?" Hercules blinked, realizing his choice of tone. It briefly caught the modern girl off guard before he quickly corrected himself. "I-I mean, yes," he cleared his throat, laughing and rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "yes, I did." His face faltered slightly, wanting to hear the girl's confirmation again, "Are you okay?"

"Herc, don't worry about it. We're good."

Hercules breathed out with relief, "Good. I told Phil what happened, and he was sure I blew up our friendship - big time."

"Of course, he would say that. He hates me."

"No," Hercules was ready to jump to the girl's defense, but her knowing look said it all. This was the end of their conversation about Phil. He lowered his head, smiling sadly, "Right." His eyes averted down to Nattie's upper arm wrapped in a cotton dressing. "Um, is that - uh -" he curiously pointed the finger at the wrap awkwardly, "is that a new fashion accessory I'm unaware of?"

Nattie gazed down at the bandage before rolling her eyes and facing back at the chalkboard before her, "No."

"Oh? T-Then why do you have it on?"

Nattie pressed her lips together in a thin line, exhaling through her nose, "Let's just say, I had trouble putting out the fire."


Hades was lounging on his chair at the far end of the Underworld boardroom. Across the long table, the imps set up graphs for today's Underworld quarterly report.

"Okay, boys," Hades began, "I haven't got all day - well, actually I got eternity. What am I talking about? I just don't want to spend it with you two. Okay? So..." He clasped his hands together, "how's the business, huh?"

"Everything's coming up, lilies, your morbidness," Pain responded.

"Oh, you flame-kiss-up-little-yutzes," Hades rolled his eyes, motioning the boys to spill the beans. "Okay, details. Give me details!"

"Our gift shop is posting record profits," Panic flipped over a chart with the arrow pointing up as Pain held an I'm-With-A-Dead-Guy T-shirt.

"Eh, too many details. Let's just focus on our core business, shall we? Dead people."

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