Apollo Mission - Part 3

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Apollo Mission - Part 3

Nattie forced a nervous smile across her face, waving sheepishly at them, "Hercules. Icarus. Hey. What are you two doing here? And-" She snorted into laughter, "What's up with your outfits?"

"We asked you the same question!" Icarus put his hands on his hips, and his red eye bulged.

Nattie raised a brow, glancing down at her black toga, "About my outfit?" Thankfully, she changed out of her bikini and didn't ask Hades for pants.

"No," Hercules disagreed. "We mean what are you doing here in the Underworld? You know this place is not safe!"

"Do me a favor, and tell me something I don't know."

Icarus dashed towards her, invading her personal space while she instinctively jumped back and hugged herself protectively.

"Uh... Can I help you with something?" Ignoring her frantic questions about his actions, Icarus observed and sniffed her like a hound dog searching for evidence. When he was getting too close for comfort near her hair, she shoved his face away.

"Get off of me!" she snapped.

Unfazed, Icarus tapped his chin, continuing to give her the suspicious eye as he made his deduction, "Is it just me, or did you lather your hair with coconut?"

He could smell the sunscreen. Nattie knew the cheap, scentless brand of shampoo and bar soap was useless. She needed to buy the products at Fates' Clips- they're expensive but effective. Hopefully, they will offer discounts to unpaid, temporary interns.

"Nattie?" Hercules crossed his arms, "how did you get so dark?"

Nattie started to panic, "Um... you see, Herc, I-"

"I know what's going on here!" Icarus declared.

"You do?" Nattie dreaded the goofball figuring it out before the Son of Zeus. She was dead, for sure.

"Of course. The answer is so obvious! You think you can fool us for one second, don't ya?!"

"I can explain!"

Icarus shook his head, wagging a finger, "Unnecessary!" He extended an arm, pointing the accusing finger at her, "You are in on it!" Nattie opened her mouth to protest but was interrupted. "You are in the ploy. Yes, sir. I can see it in your eyes. You sneaky little you - you... you shed some light back on earth, baby!"

Nattie blinked, 'Say what now?' Looking at Icarus, he was smiling. It wasn't malicious but genuine. She allowed him to finish his theory instead of digging herself a deeper grave. "What a brave friend we got, Herc!" he wrapped an arm around Nattie's waist, tugging her close as he spoke with emotion in his voice. "Our pal - Nat - knew the sun was in the Underworld, so she risked her life to come here and help us get it back! Ain't that right, Nat?!"

"So that's why you're so dark," Hercules also joined in on the hypothesis, only his demeanor was less ecstatic than Icarus's giddy. "But you could've gotten hurt or-or killed, Nattie! If Hades had caught you - I can't..." He shook his head, pushing the worst case scenario out of his mind. "What were you thinking?!"

"Oh!" Nattie immediately played along, nodding, "Yeah, totally, not thinking at all. I nearly fried my hair for you guys, not to mention my brain..." she offered a sympathetic pat on the back to Icarus, "No offense."

Icarus smiled but shook his head, "I don't get it. Offense for what?"

"Anyway!" Nattie shifted the subject back on course, "Instead of asking questions, I think the word you two are looking for is thank you."

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