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In my school, St. Michael's academy, my friendship group were famous for being very helpful. We were known as St. Michael's little helpers. Cheesy name, I know.

All through secondary school we were continously helping people with no real reason why. But what exactly happens when we, the little helpers, start to have problems that we couldn't tell anybody? What happens when we had no escape? Where would we go?

There was Stella, Harmony, Cherry and me, The escape route. All separate people with separate lives and separate minds, working hard not to be selfish and to think of others before ourselves. We worked hard to make everybody friends.

We all had different roles:

Stella was the finder, it's all in the name. She brought people's problems to our attention.

Harmony was the comforter, she brought peace and love.

Cherry was the fixer, like a surgeon she found the main roots of the problem and fixed it before it was too late. She had the most important role.

Then there was not so little, quite young, old, fabulous me. You can probably guess was I did to help people. I helped them get away from problems that couldn't be solved with counseling or a nicotine patch. My name is Evelyna Joanna Katherine Blair and I am, was...

The Escape Route.

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