64: kyoto, day six (2)*

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"You either have to wait out here for me," she stated in a firm, no-nonsense tone. "Or go do your own thing while I am with Shin."

Sato mewled plaintively in protest of her inconsiderate command. He reached up, and because he had done this so many times already, she didn't flinch as he swiped at her eyelashes, claws retracted. She simply closed her eyes, and let him do as he liked. Playing with her eyelashes was a favourite pastime of his, whenever he was close enough to them. When he was done, she opened her eyes and shook her head.

"No buts. I don't know if you're actually a cat, or Bakeneko. Your tails," she added with emphasis, nodding at the two tails he had wrapped neatly around his legs as he sat and looked up at her with indignant feline affront. "Don't help. So wait here, or go explore the Palace."

She thought the cat almost huffed in disappointment as he mewed one more time – in what she liked to believe was a promise to return – turned tail(s), and strolled away from her. Sato walked down the corridor, looked left and right, then decided to go left and disappeared around the corner.

She really didn't know if Sato was an ordinary cat or not. Even Shiori hadn't been able to tell, and he was strategically never there when she bumped into the Daitengu in the Palace, so she couldn't ask them. Either way, Sato was cute, and she didn't mind him tagging along.

She figured it would be all right so long as nothing bad happened. If he was Hengen and trying to get close to her to get to Shiori, he wouldn't have so clearly displayed his utter disdain for the Koki Sakura Hime, would he? He didn't even let Shiori pet him, pointing his nose to the air contemptuously when she tried. It was a little funny, to be honest.

She paused before knocking on the door as she dragged her mind away from her new feline companion.

Will you do something?

Like what?

Stop him from helping me remember.

Kuniumi laughed sharply. Why would we ever stop him from doing that?

You don't let me remember.

No, she corrected sternly. We do not force you to remember, as you want us to. If we do, your mind will break.

She lifted her eyebrow. So what Shin is going to do won't?

It will not. This twist to his Ability is tame compared to what will happen if we use our power to break the walls around your memories.

But you're the one who is blocking my memories of what happened in the Torimaku. I can't remember what happened because of you. If what happened was enough to make you stop me from remembering, how do I know you won't stop Shin now?

Because maybe, it's time for you to remember. She replied cryptically.

And you would know? She asked sceptically. You would know when it's time for me to remember?

Maybe we're tired of you trying so hard. It's pitiful. Like watching a four-limbed creature try to walk on one. Maybe you deserve to know what is coming so that you can enjoy what time you have with the family you have now. She laughed emptily. It is tiring, to see this black hole in your mind, where your memories should be. Maybe we are just as tired of forgetting as you are, don't you think?

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