A Blank Canvas (Black Butler Fan-Fic)

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Chapter One
How can one know who she is if she has no past? No future? No life? How can one be human if she has no emotions? No tears? No desire? How can one wake up with no name and still be a person?
"Mister, why have I no name?"the girl asked.
"Because no one has claimed you yet."the man replied.
"Claimed? For what?"
"All in good time, young one. You are now of age to be sold for a good price."
"Do humans sell humans?"
"We do but you're not human."
"...not...human? Then what am I?"
"That my dear, I do not know either. For now it's time for you to sleep. When you awake, you'll be in a new place with new people and you shall have a name."
To sleep the girl went.
-Eve's POV-
I awoke. Like the mister said I would be, I was in an unfamiliar place. No fear caught my throat. No curiosity dwelled in my mind. Just an urge to drink something. I looked around and spotted a glass of liquid I assumed was water and drank deeply. I stood up and tried to walk. My legs were numb. How long had I been asleep? I crashed into a metallic tray that hit the floor with so much noise I had to put my hands to my ears.
Too much noise. A man walked in. He was tall with dark violet hair and eyes the color of marble. "Ah! You're awake! That's good. Do you feel okay? It takes a while for the sedatives to wear off."
He spoke too many words too fast. I had to play them over in my mind to understand. "Kind sir, I was told that when I awoke, I would have a name."
His eyebrows raised as if he were surprised at what I had said. He put his hand to his chin, deep in thought.
"Let's see. You're obviously new to everything and you're very clearly innocent. I shall call you Eve. My name is Felix and I am your new master. I bought you for a good price so you'd better work diligently or you'll find out that I am no kind sir at all."
He turned and left the room and a twisted, pained feeling landed itself in the pit of my stomach. Was I feeling?
Felix explained to me how he wanted everything done. It was new to me to wash dishes and hang curtains. Within my first two hours, Felix struck me hard in the face with his ringed hand. I learned that the stinging was pain and the heat in my chest and stomach was anger.
"Today we are to have some guests. The young earl Phantomhive and his butler. You are to have no eye contact with them for you are mine and mine alone. Do you understand?" His eyes were fierce as he ordered this.
"Yes, Master Felix."I said obediently. He waved his hand in the air, dismissing me. I went to the kitchen to prepare some sweets for the guests. Master Felix had taught me the basics to preparing sweets so it was a simple task. I heard a carriage get closer to the mansion and the soft winnies of the horses.
Our guests have arrived.
My first story posted anywhere ever! Can I say nervous much?

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