Dean Winchester

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I was hunting with same and dean. WEre going after a big and spooky moonster.

"Same and dine, are we there yet?"

"No, we are not. Sit paintenly and shut up plz"


When got to the place where the monster was. I got out of the impaula. Sam and dine got out and started walking to the woods. I followed. I heard a nose behind me.

"Dean? Same?" they were no where to be see.

Just then a monster popped out.

"Booga booga!"

I screamed. So scare.

"What the crap? Who could play such a sick and twisted game on a independent women like me? Why would you do this! You now how i feel!" i yelled at the monster.

"Aww zoinks"

The monster took off its white clock. It was a kid. The child was sad. I insulted him. He ran off to his mommy.

Little didi new i wuz his mommy. Dean was his dad. Suprise muthafuckah. 

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