16. Girl Meets Triangle Returns

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Riley was trapped in something she didn't want to be a part of, because she knew the truth of Josh's feelings, because she knew Maya was trying to do one thing while feeling another way, because she didn't want Zay to get hurt in the end. The triangle had started again but this time two of them were hiding their true feelings all because Maya saw Josh studying at Topanga's. She felt sorry for what Farkle had to go through when he kept telling her to tell Lucas that she still liked him, but she didn't want to be involved. And yet she was.

Maya had come over to get ready for her date, and Zay had convinced Lucas to make it a double date, and all Riley wanted to do was pull out her hair. Riley was wearing jeans and her favorite sweater, but Maya had pulled out half of her closet looking for the perfect outfit before settling for one of Riley's long sleeved dresses and her own boots. She had tights underneath to keep her warm.

"How does this look?" Maya asked once she finished.

"It looks nice, just like the million other outfits you tried on," Riley answered. She was trying to figure out how long it was going to take to put everything away when her mother called them down.

The guys had arrived, and although Zay was smiling, Riley felt sorry for him because she knew Maya liked Josh more than anyone and it was eating her up inside. Riley relaxed when she saw Lucas in his signature color, for some reason it calmed her.

"Come on let's get going," Lucas said smiling at her.

"Curfew's at ten," her father said as they walked out the door. It was Friday so Riley was allowed to stay out later but Lucas always made sure to have her home earlier because he didn't want to offend her father.

The four of them walked to the crosstown train to go to Union Square to see the movie, Zay had brought the tickets for the movie so Riley didn't know what they were going to see until he told them.

"Come on Zay tell me," Riley said because she needed to prepare for the inevitable.

"It's that new slasher movie," he said smiling at Maya whose eyes lit up.

"Oh... I wanted to see that movie, the red band trailer is complete gore," She said smiling at him.

Riley could only groan, she still hated horror movies and although she knew Maya loved them she couldn't get used to seeing that much blood on the screen. Lucas squeezed her hand, reassuring her that it would be alright but she didn't believe him as she saw Zay and Maya talking about the movie.

When they got to the theater Riley decided that she was going to sit in the back of the theater, Zay and Maya decided on picking the ones closest to the screen to get the best view of the action. Maya had wanted them to stay as far apart so that she could feel like she was on a date but all Riley wanted was to stay as far away as possible.

So Riley and Lucas sat in the back, while Maya and Zay sat in the middle ten rows down from them.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom before the movie starts," she told Lucas as he sat down with their snacks. He nodded as she got up, the theater was empty enough for them to walk around without disturbing anyone.

When Riley stood outside the theater she took a deep breath and walked towards the bathroom only to bump into her uncle.

"Josh," she said completely surprised to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well my dorm is close by so Andrew asked if we should see a movie," he said, Riley noticed the dark circles around his eyes and knew that he had been thinking about what he had told him. "Are you here with Lucas?"

Girl Meets Season 4जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें