8. Girl Meets World of Terror 4

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"The story of the Haunted Horseman, is a legend engrained in New York history," Cory started as his class looked on. "The story written by Washington Irving, takes place in our own Tarrytown New York, where a young man's life hangs in the balance."

Suddenly Auggie walked through the door, "It's time for another Halloween Scary Time Theater," Auggie said.

Riley laughed as her brother walked into the room dressed as a wizard from the Harry Potter books. "Auggie, couldn't you have waited until after school to start this?"

"No," he said walking over to his sister. "Daddy promised to let me hear the story of the Headless Horseman."

"Go on Dad," Riley said as she pulled her little brother onto her lap.

"Ok," her father said as he looked around at his students as he began the story of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. "In the bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent the eastern shore of the Hudson, at that broad expansion of the river denominated by the ancient Dutch navigators the Tappan Zee, and where they always prudently shortened sail and implored the protection of St. Nicholas when they crossed, there lies a small market town or rural port, which by some is called Greensburgh, but which is more generally and properly known by the name of Tarry Town."

He smiles, and slowly recounts the story "This young man with an unusual name, who is chased down a wooden bridge by a Headless Horseman. The story of how this young man wants the attention of a young woman, while he's threatened by another suitor, he does not wish to die. He's invited to a party."

"A party, I wanna go," Riley says smiling.

"Uh Riles, that's not how the story goes," Maya said. "Go on Matthews tell her the rest."

"Well you see Riley, this poor poor man gets rejected by the girl of his dreams, and as he walks home in tears, he is confronted by the Headless Horseman, as he's running down the bridge trying to get to safety."

"His head gets chopped off," Maya said interrupting the story.

Riley lets out a scream but her father looks out and finishes the rest of the story, "No one really knows what happened to him, for the next day all that's found are horse tracks, a pumpkin, and the young man's hat."

Suddenly Auggie gets up, "What if a group of friends go to test out the story of the headless horseman, and find themselves separated. A test of courage will either bring them back together, or will keep them apart. If you want to know what happens keep reading to find out."

As Auggie finishes his speech the thunder roars outside and the lights go out leaving the class room in complete darkness.


"So we're going right?" Maya said excitedly to the group as they wait outside of Topanga's for Riley to show up. "To the town, to Sleepy Hollow."

"Maya why do you want to go?" Farkle asked knowing it had something to do with the legend.

"I wanna see the head of this man, and Matthews said it was based on a town in New York so let's go," she said bouncing up and down.

"Well I'm not going," Smackle said. "I'd rather stay away from something like that."

"You're going," Maya said.

"Maya, Riley won't like this," Lucas said. "She can't stand to watch a horror movie how will she survive this."

"She'll survive," Maya said. "I'll just stick her with you and that's it."

Lucas rolled his eyes, he didn't know what to the only option he had was to stick as close to Riley as he could. Just then the brunette came skipping happily towards the group smiling at them.

Girl Meets Season 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora