Steve Rogers: Memories

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You stood from your chair on the porch, your timing has gone off in the kitchen which signaled that your cookies were done. Sighing as you struggled to get them, you remembered why you made cookies in the first place. Today was Steve Rogers birthday. And you remember the day he told you his favorite cookies as if it was yesterday.


You were sleeping in, SHIELD had given you the day off and you were going to spend every second doing nothing.

The only reason you stopped doing nothing was the pounding at the door. You got up and walked towards the door and yanked it open. Glaring at the person on the other side.

"Steven Rogers, I was asleep, and you better have a good reason for waking me up." You crossed your arms as the soldier in front of you stood in fright.

"I wanted to hang out? I heard it was your day off and I wanted to see you. But if your exhausted I don't mind seeing you another time." He looked really said for a minute and you broke.

"Damn it Steve. Get in here." You yanked him in and slammed the door. "I'm hungry. Cook me something captain."

"What? Only thing I know off the top of my head is oatmeal cookies! My mom made me memorize the recipe." He rubbed his head thoughtfully. "You like cookies?"

You nodded your head quickly. "Id love some."

You pulled the cookies out and set them on the stove. They were perfect. After those were out, you walked towards the sweater you had been working on for a long time. The sweater was of Steve's shield, but the left sleeve was sliver and had a red star on it. You thought it was clever but Steve and Bucky didn't think so.


"Hey (y/n)! What is this?" Bucky said with confusion. He was holding up a knitting needle that had yarn attached to it.

"It's to knit with dummy." You walked up and snatched it from him, placing it back down with the rest of it. "Don't touch. I'm making something for Steve since Christmas is around the corner and everyone needs an ugly sweater. But I don't have any time to work on it."

"Why do I need an ugly sweater?" Steve stepped into the room.

After explaining the Christmas traditions you hurried off with your unfinished sweater.

It's been years and you still never have finished the sweater. It sits there and when you find time you work on it. Tony and Clint make fun of it when they come over and see it out, but they were jerks anyway in their old age.

Slowly trying to make your way to the porch again you notice the picture Bucky took of you two kissing for the first time.


Walking into the festival you grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him toward a 'test your strength' booth. Bucky and his date followed behind.

You and Steve wanted to take Bucky to do something he hasn't done since the 40's. And a carnival was the best option. Bucky said he would only go if it was a double date.

So you and Steve decided to go together and Bucky brought some girl he knew.

At the booth both boys paid the owner and stepped up. Steve went first, he had the hammer in his hands and swung as hard as he could. The weight was tossed almost to the bell, if it had traveled a few inches further it would have rang.

Bucky used the hammer and his metal arm. The bell rang loud and clear for him. Steve slouched and grouchily walked off.

Rushing to him you wrapped one arm and his shoulder. "Hey cap, why you sulking? You know he cheated with his arm right?"

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