Steve Rogers x Reader: Where Does It Hurt?

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You were bored. Being a member of the Avengers was tough, but you were never usually bored, someone usually wanted to do something or you were saving the world.

Roaming around you were looking for your best friend and crush Steve Rogers.

You and Steve had been fast friends when Fury attached you to the team. He helped you get used to the tower and Tony. Over the year you had fallen hard for the super soldier.

Thinking he would be in the gym you quickly switch into a sports bra and yoga pants and headed down to the gym.

Entering, you saw Sam and Steve over by the punching bags. You were disappointed that Steve wasn't alone, but Sam was just watching Steve beat up the bag and he looked bored too. You walked up to him, "Hey Sam. Wanna spar while our flag man keeps his heart rate up?"

He smiled and agreed. You both headed off to the mats and took fighting positions.

You started the fight, you swung a fake punch and switched it to a kick faster than Sam could react to. The kick landed in his gut, he bent over and sucked in air, you grabbed his shoulders and brought your knee up and gently whacked his head with it. Just an enough to daze him, you gripped his throat in a choke hold and wrapped your legs around his middle. With your chest on his back, you arch your back while stretching his body. You held him there for a while. He tapped your arm and you released him.

"Gosh, (y/n), are you angry? You've never been that mean before." He rubbed his neck.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just bored." You stood and offered him a hand. After several more rounds, Sam started to look very tired. "Wanna go another round bird boy?"

"No, I'm heading towards a nice hot shower before I get crippled. Be nice." He smirks and walked over to his bag and leaving.

You sighed, turning around to find your own punching bag you noticed Steve eyeing you up and down.

You were a SHIELD agent and an Avenger so your body was in great shape. You simply placed your hands on your hips and smirked. "Are you done looking cap?"

He snapped back to reality and blushed deeply. "So-sorry (y/n). Um did you want to spar?"

"Sure, let's do it." You motioned him forward and took a stance. The fight was a blur, you only started getting tired when Steve landed a hit to your gut, grunting, you jumped right back up. You dived at his legs but he quickly gripped your shoulders and flipped you completely over his back and slammed you to the floor.

The breath completely knocked out of you, you exhaled slowly and it sounded like a whimper.

"(y/n)!! I'm sorry! Are you okay? Can you move? Can you breathe? Oh my gosh what do I do?!" Steve bent over you, his hands hovering over your body.

You were dazed. You saw Stars and Stripes, but as your vision came back you realized it was just Steve. You smiled weakly and croaked out, "I'm good. Just seeing stars, I didn't know you were going so easy on me. I'm okay I promise, just out of breath."

Steve helped you up, you wobbled a bit and shook your head. Breathing deeply you were okay again. "Alright, you won that one. Next round."

Steve looked hesitant, "I don't know (y/n), maybe you hold sit down for awhile."

You gave him a 'really?' type look and he shrugged. "I just got the breath knocked out of me. Come on Yankee, let's go."

You flew into action before he could react.

The next round ended with him on top of you straddling your hips. He slammed your hands above your head and panted.

"You put up a really good fight (y/n). Just wait till your not with a super soldier, you could do some real damage." He smiled his gorgeous crooked smile. Your stomach bursts with butterflies.

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