Road Trip x Avengers

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Prompt: Road Trip

It was time. It was finally time! You and your fellow teammates were finally having a vacation.

After all you went through, you all decided it was time for a break. Everyone was gathered into the main room of the Avengers facility. Brochures and maps were littered across the table, some had circles and checks, others had been crumbled and chucked.

Since you were the peacemaker in the group, you had been given the choice of the destination. You've talked with every teammate and the most voted for place waaaaas...... too many places. Everyone wanted to go somewhere different and you knew if you choose one over all of the others there would be a lot of people upset.

With that in mind, you had decided to take everybody on a long road trip. You would simply shove everyone into one of Tony's cars.

You planned on taking the team to the coast, and then just traveling all the way down to Florida, and back again.

You looked up from your spot at the table and saw Tony, Steve, Thor, Natasha, Clint, and Bruce were all ready to go.

7 people in total, so you had to drive one of Tony's larger cars to fit everyone.

You gathered everyone up in the living room on the morning of a beautiful Wednesday. "Avengers, we leave in an hour, pack your bags, we're heading to a beach."

Everyone nodded, some with glares because of the destination but trudge on anyway. You hurried to your room to get dressed and packed also. You grabbed a gray suitcase and tossed it onto your bed. Grabbing a swimsuit and several shirts. You'd be on the road most the time anyway, so you really didn't try too hard.

You were the first in the living room, waiting for everyone else. You were the only one who knew you'd be driving the whole time.

As everyone joined you in the living room, you smile broadly at them. "Gather your bags dumplings, we're off!" You grabbed your stuff and lead them to the garage as they follow unknowingly.

They all thought you were bringing them to the ground floor where a limousine would be waiting for them. But as the elevator doors opened and revealed the garage they all looked to you expectantly.

"I thought, we would do it by car travel. This way." As you lead them to the chosen car, the questions come.

"Wouldn't it be easier with a plane?"

"We would have more beach time if we went by plane."

"How long is it?"

"Where are we going?"

"Yes, plane would have been easier. True, plane would also be faster. It's a 13 hour drive. And we are heading to the fabulous Fernadina Beach, Florida!" You answered all the questions in one go.

"No pile in amigos, we have a long ride in front of us and I want to do some tanning." You ushered them in and climbed in yourself. Tony was driving, he knew the city best and how to get out, Bruce was in passenger seat as the direction man once you're out of the city, you, Steve, and Clint all sat in the back, while Nat and Thor had the to middle seats.

As you relaxed in back you thought of how this could be really fun, or really disastrous. You'll just have to wait and see.

• • •

"If you don't stop right now, I will turn this car around!!" Tony's shout could be heard like a whip throughout the car.

Thor as Natasha had been pounding away on each other, like a bunch of twelve year old boys they acted like.

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