Clint Barton x Reader: Pick Pocket

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You were walking alone along the sidewalk near midnight, New York was not the safest of places to be walking home alone, especially if 1) you're a woman 2) if it is the scariest part of town.

Living in the run-down/hood part of NY also turned your life to crime. You were from a family of thieves. Pick pocket was a better title for it. You knew how to take someone's wristwatch right off of them while talking to them.  You knew how to read someone and tell if they were worth the trouble. You were like a mini Sherlock Holmes.

You were headed towards your apartment when you noticed some people walking towards you on the same sidewalk. A black man with short hair and a sandy blonde hair man, both looked like they worked out and were very handsome. You could tell that one of the man's wallet was inside his jacket, the other didn't seem to have one unless it was in his back pocket. There might have been a gun? But you weren't positive. Probably get me some pizza you thought as you continued your walk towards them, pulling your hat farther down.

When it came to point of moving to the side you decided to be a rude New York and just push yourself in between them, knocking them both aside. As you passed by you grabbed the wallet in one fluid motion, "Sorry." You walked on, not wanting him to notice that he no longer had a wallet.

"Stop staring Clint. Bruce is waiting for us at the curb." The other man pushed Clint in the chest, right where you guessed it. Where his wallet would be.

"Sam, I think that girl pickpocketed me." Clint reached into his jacket to confirm his suspicion.

You had over heard the conversation. Not having enough excitement in your life you turned around to see the other two looking back at you. You smiled and 'tootled' your fingers. Rounding the corner you took off as you heard the running of their footsteps. Heading towards the end of the street and made a sharp right turning down a dark alley. You jumped up to the fire escape and started to climb quickly.

"Stop!" You heard the man named Clint shout.

"Sorry boys, someone has to pay the rent." You hopped right up on the roof and sprinted. Leaping to the next roof and continuing to run trying to lose them.

Why aren't they falling behind? You growled in frustration. Having been fed up with this game of cat and mouse you jumped down, towards the ground. At the last second, you grabbed a metal bar and swing right inside a building. Breaking the wooden broads that were blocking the window you sprinted to the next window. Ramming the wood with all your might, and breaking it in the third try you turned back inside the building. Spotting a staircase to the left you ran and dove under it, right as soon as the others made it into the window.

"She got out that window," Sam said to Clint. "Let's move it." They both jumped out the other window.

It was so dark where you were hiding. The dust was thick and it made you very sleepy. You got comfortable and fell asleep, you were very sure that you had lost the two people. Smiling you knew you were having a pizza that next night.

• • •

You stirred in your sleep. You felt a pain in your neck from being kept in the same position all night. You coughed at all the dust in the air, wondering why you weren't affected by it last night.

Groaning you stood and stretched. You rubbed your eyes and walked towards the window you busted the night before. Only to be blocked by the people who followed you last night. You searched for their names you heard them call each other last night.

Clint and Sam. That's right. You yawned and waved a hello. "Found me did you?"

"Yes. I say we did." Sam answered giving you a glare.

"And we want my wallet back," Clint asked giving Sam a look.

You pursed your lips. Reaching into your pocket to pull out the wallet you found nothing. You frowned and looked into the other pockets. You smiled apologetic smile. "Seems I've lost it. Sorry, pal."

"No, you didn't. I have it right here." Clint raised the wallet in his hand. "I just wanted to see what you would do."

You eyed them both. "Well, what now? You caught me, what are you gonna do?"

They looked at each other. "We're not going to do anything. Except keep an eye on you. You're quite talented to pickpocket an assassin. And then hide from us all night." Sam grudgingly said.

"You only found me this morning?" You smirked at the idea.

"You notice she wasn't even phased when I said assassin?" Sam looked at Clint with a raised eyebrow.

"I would be if I had not met people even weirder than you two. I get approached by a lot of different people. As you said, I got quite the talent for escaping and pickpocketing." You placed your hands on your hips and walked closer to the window. If they said they'd leave you alone then you should be able to walk out of here.

"Like who?" Clint followed your movements with his gorgeous brown eyes.

"You name it sweetheart, Hammer Industries, Queen Industries, HYDRA Inc., and even Stark. Said no to all though, don't like to have restrictions on my actions." You slipped one leg out.

"HYDRA? Why would they want you?" Clint stepped closer to you.

"Sugar I don't know. Bye now!" You slipped out and dashed away.

"Wait! What's your name?!" Sam called after you.

You stopped and turned around, "(y/n)." You turned and continued your running.

"Stop staring at her butt Clint."

Part two??

Agent Lock

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