"Courfeyrac's in my house isn't he? He hangs around that cute poet boy, doesn't he?" Bossuet asked and Molly nodded. "I could have a word with him, if you want." Molly frowned but nodded again. "Well I'd better get back to class and so should you, I'll see you around." Bosseut left the bathroom and Molly reluctantly followed.

"What lesson do you have?" Molly asked him.

"Charms, you?"

"Potions," Molly answered sadly; she wanted to talk to Bosseut for a bit longer. Bosseut walked left at the end of the corridor and Molly walked right to get to her lesson.

Molly took a deep breath before walking into class and saw that they were all working in pairs and writing down stuff off of the board. Molly saw a girl with brown messy hair on her own and decided to work with her. "Hey, uh, can I work with you?" she murmured. The girl nodded and moved over a bit to let her sit down.

"I'm Eponine," the girl said and raised an eyebrow as if to say 'and you are?'.

"I'm Molly," Molly answered. Molly started to copy down the first sentence until Slughorn wiped it off of the board.

"Class is just about over so I think now is the time to inform you of your homework," Slughorn announced to the class, causing them to whine and moan. "Now, now it's a very fun and easy homework. All you have to do is memorise one sentence for your next lesson tomorrow. Now of you go!" The bell rang and everyone left.

Someone walked into Molly on purpose and said, "Bunking off lessons again, are we?" It was James. Molly went to answer back but Eponine spoke.

"At least she has the decency to have feelings, unlike you Potter!" Eponine snapped. This received a chorus of 'ooohh' and a couple of 'oh no she didn't!'s from the surrounding crowd.

"Oh, Eponine you've broken my heart, truly you have! How could you say I had no feelings?" James feigned hurt.

"I can say the truth quite easily. Bye bye, now, Potty, Underage-drinker, Geek-Freak and Podge!" Eponine retaliated and walked off pulling Molly along with her.

"Thanks Eponine," Molly said.

"No need, those twits deserved what I said and worse." Eponine paused for a while.

"Don't mind me, I'm just invisible," Enjolras' voice said. Molly and Eponine turned around to see Enjolras and Courfeyrac.

"Molly's not in Gryffindor so she can't enter our common room," Enjolras told Eponine.

"Neither is Courfeyrac," Eponine answered. "You see, some rules need to be broken." Eponine turned back to the painting. "Norwegian Ridgeback." Molly made a mental note of the password and stepped inside after Eponine.

"Sorry," Courfeyrac muttered to Molly.

"It's too late," Molly said abruptly.

"Hey Molly, Arthur!" Eponine called to some seventh years. They looked down at her and smiled.

"Hello, Ponine," they said in unison. Molly rolled her eyes at the couple; they seemed to her like the kind of people who put on displays of public affection. It was the way they held hands even though they didn't speak and it was as if they communicated through eye contact, each knew what the other was thinking.

"Arthur, Molly this is Molly, Molly this is Arthur and Molly," Eponine giggled. Molly Prewet's eyes moved to Molly's badge.

"You're in Slytherin, you shouldn't be here," Molly said firmly.

"I don't like Slytherin," Molly said bluntly.

"Don't blame you," Arthur yawned.

"Okay, then tell us about yourself," Molly's tone was nicer.

"Grantaire's my half-brother, I don't need to go into the details, and when I was five I was put into an orphange," Molly answered.

"A muggle orphanage?" Arthur asked exitedly.

"Yes," Molly said slowly.

"What were they like, these muggles?" Arthur asked.

"They were alright but they used my magic to their advantage, until. . ." Molly trailed off when she heard a yelp of pain. Molly turned around slowly to the direction of the sound and saw Courfeyrac.

"Stop being such a baby, it's just a cut," Enjolras snapped at Courfeyrac. Molly saw a trail of blood from the top of his index finger to the middle of his palm.

"Just ignore them Molly. Molly?" Eponine's distant voice said. "Molly?" Eponine's voice was muffled and it sounded as if Molly was in a dream. All Molly could focus on was the trail of blood, the way it glistened in the light, it looked like a ribbon. It was salvation. It was luxury. Molly was in some sort of trance and remembered the day it happened:

It was a sunny day, the birds were singing and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, very cliché, I know but all true, until it happened. Three men and a woman just appeared and started circling the group of children, bearing their teeth whenever the children moved, making them recoil further into the closing space. "R!" one of them screamed. They had seen their half-brother in the distance looking on with another boy. The woman bared her teeth and grabbed the girl; she moved her hair away from her neck and bit it. The men and woman ran off as quick as the speed as lightning as the two boys ran over.

Molly snapped out of it and realised she was being held back by Arthur as she tried to attack Courfeyrac. The flashback happened whenever Molly was about to attack and finished when she stopped. Molly sighed and wriggled out of Arthur's grip. The whole room was muttering and staring at her. Molly walked out of the common room and back to her own when she heard footsteps running towards her. Molly turned to see Remus, "Go away Remus, you know nothing," Molly snapped.

"I know more than you think!" Remus told her. Molly frowned at him and nodded slowly. Remus went to say something but the bell rang symbolising the end of break and the corridor flooded with students. "Come and find me at lunch. What lesson do you have?"

"Defence against the dark arts with the Hufflepuffs," Molly answered.

"Charms with Ravenclaw, I'll see you later, I think we have Herbology together," Remus said hurriedly and ran off to his next lesson.

"Now to find my Defence against the dark arts class. . ."

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