One time we met Winston Churchill

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A/N I wrote this for my History paper as a out of the box kind of thing, Sooo, Enjoy :) This is just something that happens before the Parallel something story arch.

    The Doctor told me the best era to visit may as well be World War 2. So this where we went.  His time machine made me  wonder if we were at the right location, this time. It did not always take us to the correct destination.  One time we landed in 1915 during the Battle of Gallipoli.  Oh, that was a horrible mess.

    I took a step out.

    “I hope this is not a bunker.” I said,actually worried.

    “No.” The Doctor replied, as I completely get out. “Not a bunker.”

I look up to see we are in some underground building; there are some plant roots sticking out from the ceiling. The ground shook, well actually it trembles, and there are a bunch of noises going off. We headed down the hallway where soldiers were keeping their cool. Acting as if this was a usual occurrence.

“World War 2  was far by worse,” The Doctor said, waving at the men.

“In economic recovery terms?..”

    The Doctor looks at me, actually using  his ‘I could-not-believe you just said that’ expression.

    “No,” The Doctor said,checking his wristwatch. He muttered something about ‘Right era’ alone by using a watch. He looks away from his wrist watch. “In lives.”

    One of the soldiers lifts his weapon.

    “Who are you?” The first soldier asks, “Are you from bloody germany or one of Hitler’s sent ‘friend’ to have talks with Churchill?”

    The Doctor has a small laugh at him.

    “Hitler...” The Doctor rubs his hands, then he shows them a leather wallet and proceeds opening it. “Oh he is another story.”

    The two soldiers stood upright holding their own weapons.

    “Sorry sir!” The first one said, saluting the Doctor.“I apologize for doubting the prime minister's right side man.”

    I turn my head towards the Doctor, as he took it as a compliment.

    “Right side man?...” I said, raising a brow.

    The Doctor whispers back, “I have no idea.”

    And he seems to act so happy about it.

    The Second man took us to the office of Winston Churchill. As men and women were working together on certain World War 2 tasks. I do remember woman were given desk jobs in History. The reality of this room makes this really hit my face. Everyday, people were figuring out plans.Every people died in World War 2. There were plans to end the war and something about defeating Germany.

             To the side of the room, there was a odd glowing crack in the wall.

    “Prime Minister Churchill!” The Second man said, standing straight.

    “Knock, young man.” I saw this man with a bowtie and a black suit. This man wore glasses. He is smoking a cigar. He looks upwards. This man must be Winston Churchill.     The man who is remembered for all he had done. “Have we met before?”

    The Doctor laughs.

    “Depends if you have met a man with a bowtie and had a girl with him/be”

The TARDIS appeared in my Bus!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora