There's a restored timeline and then there is a take away

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   I find myself in the storage room, holding the phone with all the extra magic hats intact. The big, giant sight of golden light  rings as an image.  "He..actually did it." I mumble as pain was so evident. Sabrina's voice is on the phone demanding answers. I take a step out the storage room. Everything looks somewhat foggy. And untouched. History has definitely been restored, correctly.

    Brian is poking the psychic ball.

   'Jacob!' Sabrina sharply shouts on the phone. 'Answer me right now! I have no time for a boyfriend who--'

    'Hey Brian...' I called out,seeing through dim vision.

   Brian looks up from the ball.

  "AHH!" Brian screams, waking a couple feet back. He accidental  makes a bookshelf fall backwards from the rush I didn't need to see him up close. I can see his eyes show the terrified expression. His face was--well--blurrry. But his eyes are...better to see.

   I drop my phone.

  "" I grumble, looking down to my hands.


   I don't have a hand.

  Wel...looks as though its been cut off clean.

   "Oh,"  I don't have a hand.  There' I don't how to say this without being--I'm bleeding. I look toward Brian. "...Run...and get help."     

  Then I fell and everything went dark.

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    I remember...I remember...We were waiting for time to be fixed...And why my right hand had been

"cut off" clean. Weeping Angels had some-how gotten into the TARDIS. they wanted to take The  TARDIS by it's main control room. I could not let it happen. The TARDIS is swinging and obviously trying to get rid of them. How can statues operate a living time machine? May it never be answered.

'Doctor,' I said, hanging on the rails while holding a sword. I stole it from one of the gaurds. ' I have an idea!'

   Down the hallway is a couple weeping angels.

  We were keeping ourselves from blinking.

 'Am I going to hate it?' The Doctor asks, as the screeching from different halls come through.

   It's the alert system.

  'No,' I look at him and Rose. They will make the best adventure duo who may become legends. My hands become fists.  'I will.'

     The Weeping Angels were coming.

     Some of them probably realized they couldn't use the TARDIS without pilots. Their ugly, statue vampire faces did not bother me a bit. At least for the first time I had seen their faces. The first time I had seen them in that tunnel with that whole House thing. And the time where I had met Clara. Where this mess had become stronger into reality.

  'What are you thinking?' Rose is trying to persuade me from doing the right thing. 'Don't put yourself in danger for us. Getting rid of blinking creatures can be solveable--'

   'Clara--Rose, I have done this a million times.'  I correct myself, taking a step forward with my left hand touching  the handle.  She did not understand. This woman "Riversong" had told me; Regeneration energy can transport a large group to some other time. It has to be big. 'Take care of the Doctor, he will need you.' 

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