One time, before this mess...

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   (A/N I have read potentinal rumors for Twelve's behavior. This is a FYI kind of thing! Now enjoy ^.^; )

    An old man with a dark suit took me on an adventure. In the TARDIS.  He claims to be some one I knew from the future.This is getting really annoying. Meeting some-one from my future who I have not met yet, chronologically to them. The Doctor had specifically told The Old man to take me with him on some adventure.My Doctor's currentlly on some "hopping-dangerous-trigger-happy-shooting-egg stealers" with Rose. 

  There are times where I wonder what the Doctor thinks of the word "dangerous". When it applys to leaving Rose and not just me. It's kind of obivious he doesn't want a Paradox sticking around when The Doctor does not know he's keeping a Parradox away. It's kind of funny knowing this scenario.  Anyways, this old man claimed he was taking me on a "little trip".

     The Old Man flips  down a switch.

   'Tell me,'  I said, seeing something fishy about him. "How come you know how to use the TARDIS?'

    The Old man laughs.  

  'A good friend of the Doctor taught me.' The Old man said, as if he were recalling a good time. He has a Scottish accent.   'And you are going to see the most...unexpected of your day.'

 ..Seriously? I ask myself, as the TARDIS begins shaking. My hands  slide into the handle  attached to the dashboard. Did he really have to say that? My day is...complicated. The most strange and particlure thing did happen. Because there was a bright light that emited in the center of the TARDIS. Then it went pitch black.

     _                                   _                                ___                    ________________________

    I came to. The little, pinch pain became unnotice-able. Almost forgett-able  when I had awaken. Wait. I was knocked out? Well...that makes sense. Surveying the sarroundings of this enivorment tells me that somehow the TARDIS had it's occupents taken out. There's a shelf attached to a wall holding numerous strange-defying objects in little cubbies. There's a mirror right my view.

     Behind me is a Deer like humaniod with trantula qualities.

     'Your latissimus Dorsi is quite interesting...' The Deer-trantula humaniod individual touches my back. This alien sounds like a woman.  I do like Spiders and all, but this is really creepy. 'Being right below your Teres Major under your shoulder.'

  '...Uh you mean arm pit.' I said, taking my best guess. This...unusual creature mentioned the shoulder saying something was under it.

      I'm shirtless (the mirror has great quality for it's size) And this alien is all ready inspecting my body.

   'No, that's the Coracobrachialus right above Biceps Brachii on the shoulder.' The creepy Deer-Trantula, humaniod sharply corrects me. This one sure does sound like a woman. 'The Teres Major is two triangle sections away from the pectorialis Major on the left of your chest.'

    The creepy deer-trantula, humaniod woman turns her head at me using her really long neck similar to E.T. Phone home.

      'I am Infraspinat, But everyone calls me "Infra" in your culture.' So this creepy deer-trantula, humaniod  is indeed a female. And her name is Infra. 'I am not the infraspinatus being underneath the suprasinatus. Subscapulas is in the middle in the shoulder muscle in anterior view.'

       She touches my neck.

    'Is that your sisters name?' I ask, taking another wild guess. This feels uncomfortable that a alien is touching my neck. Just a little creepy there.

The TARDIS appeared in my Bus!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora