Parallel Something-Victorian isn't that good part 2

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As I had suspected, these...farty people are pure bred aliens. They are tall and have baby cheeks. It's probably an exaggeration saying this; they have black eyes. No really; big, black marble eyes.These farty aliens are green. They even have these collar things aroud their neck for translating. How was poor me lead to see this? Well, a maid from the Tyler household, 'C. Oswin' happened to come into the room first. Yes. First--first as in being the first one there in the moonlight.

   I  just quoted a song from the future. This is just greaat.

 This is how I saw the 2nd most ugliest aliens.

 'One of the Tyler maids,' The female giggly woman said, with a disgusting fart. 'Excuse me, had some of those high protein bars.'

 I look through a keyhole.

 'C. Oswin.' A male offical said. 'The young tyler is being brought this way. You told us to bring this one here.'

 'Get your hands off me!' C.Oswin struggles, with a panicked face. 'I am not a doll for all you know--I have been obeying the law.'

  What the jollyrancher?,My hands could have ran cold, That is Clara!

 That unexpected yelling male voice starts, 'Leave her to us.'

  The officals nods, then they  leave the room. The door automatically shuts behind them.

'You expect us to be sharing pity on you, right?' Okay, I am calling the high pitched woman "Alien 1" and the other two aliens; "Alien 2" to be the calm alien, "Alien 3" to be that alien who sounds not mature yet and can be unexpected.

  The room's atmosphere feels dangerous.

As in serial killer kind of dangerous.

   'Have any last words?' Alien 3 asks  C.Oswin.

   I wanted to shout out and warn her.

 'What...' C.Oswin backs into the corner of the room clear away from my perspective.

Alien 1 unzips her forehead letting out bright, green shining light as did the other two individuals. This is when  I was exposed to what they really look like. C.Oswin screams as these aliens start sarrounding her.  Oh my jellyfish. I turn away covering my ears as the sound of razors and death approached this Clara duplicate.

 ___________________________________________ ________________________________

     The Doctor's tea  re-appears on a flat surface on the TARDIS dashboard. Ah. So  that is where my drink went, The Doctor recalls an trip to Sleepy Hollow for question that had to be answered. He picks up the cup and finishes it off. He then puts the empty tea-cup on a table. It refreshes the Doctor a bit. Now, all he needs is to figure out where  the Rich-napper took Jacob.

     'Ichabod told me it's just an ordinary code-word.' The Doctor said to himself, flipping down a switch. The things that he has done and learned pver the years are flying around in his rusty head. Traveling in time and space is a wonder, but can get lonly for a lone time lord.  'And just an ordinary boy.'

        A holographic, flat blue table appears from the dashboard.

   'It doesn't make sense!' The Doctor briefly glances towards the floor.

    He saw something small and card-like on the floor. Great, Rose left a gift-card behind, The Doctor assumes at first. He picks up the card. It took one second for  the Doctor to realize it's not a giftcard. This is a Student ID card.

       The name "Jacob Taylor" is in fine print above a boy with a silly, goofball smile.

     '...How can this boy be Jacob?...' The Doctor looks at this picture, tilting his head at the boy who seems to have some irish in him and a tad  bit of british ever so present. There are some characteristics that define italian (square faced) and Irish (red hair). It's also an interesting fact people just say that's a bit judgemental.

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