Oh no you are not ditching me! (VERY short chapter)

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If the TARDIS appeared in my bus instead taking Rose Tyler back home…when she sneaked out the TARDIS in the first place...or appearing outside Rose Tyler’s house there must be a logical reason. Something so  simple that I can really understand without a nerd having to explain it. The Doctor pushes me out into my own time. Kids shrieked. Some highschoolers I knew even scream higher than girls.

            “It’s the Doctor!” A child screams. “THE DOCTOR EXISTS!”

            “He has saved our planet multiple times!” Another cheered on. “HAIL THE LORD OF TIME!”

            “Doctor Who!” One half of students in the bus cheers.

            The Doctor didn’t look so pleased about it.  

            “Now,now,now; don’t make it so alarming.” He turns towards me. “Goodbye.”

            The Doctor zips into the TARDIS.

            “Give us a recap!” I recognize Jackie’s voice. “NOW BOY!”

            “The Darleks are going to take over a future earth and turn every human into a Darlek.” Am I light switch or something? “The-t-t-they killed Alice. Alice is dead. The Doctor is going on a suicide mission.”   

            It became incredibly silent.

            “Kid, I’m a Whovian.” Mr.Peterson said in a loud voice. “And my experience tells me if the Doctor takes on a Companion and takes them to the future then brings them back to their time to live an ordinary life…Jacob Taylor, I order you as a veteran solider to use that knowledge. I will tell your parents what brave decision you are doing. Even if they won’t believe me. The TARDIS appeared for you. Now, get on the TARDIS before it’s gone!”

            I can hear the TARDIS demantalizing behind me.

            If the TARDIS choose to appear for me…. Then this means it’s a really living time machine. Who knows the future and what is meant to happen. Do I really want to go back? A coward who went to save his home? He isn’t ditching me after all! I’m the boy the TARDIS chose for some reason. And I don’t know why to be honest.

            “Bye life as I know it.”

            The students onboard saluted me.

            “Good luck, chap.” Jackie said, “You’ll make Dr.John Smith proud.”

            The TARDIS is appearing to be disappearing….So I jumped onto the side.


            “Ohhhh mmmyyyy wooooooooorrdddddd!” I said; there’s so much bright colors that go in a sphere shapes similar to a wormhole. Moving images are waving on the sides partially witnessable during the ride. “Oh my woooordd, the TARDIS IS traveling in a wormhooooooollleeeeeeeeeee!”  

            Jiffy, now I know how Time-travel feels.

The TARDIS appeared in my Bus!Where stories live. Discover now