Abused and New

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I sat there is my room working on my homework. I couldn't focus at all. I could hear my father downstairs breaking things from anger. I stood up from my desk and walked into my bathroom. I turn the bath on and added a bath bomb. The pink and blue bath bomb melted into the water and let out beautiful colors mixing into a purple. I slowly relaxed into the hot water letting my mind take me away. That was my first mistake.

I moved my hand to a little box I keep by the bathtub. I reached in and grabbed what was in it. That was my second mistake. I still kept my mind controlling me and not thinking anything over. I felt the thing from the box run over my arm. I felt a sting of pain but I was so use to it now I didn't even wince. I let the blood from my arm drip into the water. Turning the beautiful purple water into a deeper reddish purple. I cut more into my arm. That was another mistake I made.

I finally took back control of my body when the water was stained the color of my blood. I looked down at my arm and saw eight new bloody cuts. I didn't want this but my mind took over. I quickly got out of the tub feeling dizzy. I drained the tub before anyone could see it and made sure to put the razor back into its little box. I changed quickly into a black hoodie and some camo cotton booty short. I made sure to wrap up my arm to make sure it healed.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw my father sitting on my bed. "Serena I have been waiting for you to finish for half an hour now!" He screamed at me. I winced back knowing what was going to happen. "You know to be in bed by ten." I looked over at the clock on my desk and saw it was 10:15.

"I-I am sorry. If I knew I would of been quicker." I tried to get as small as possible. I wanted to go run and hide but I still stood in the door way. Mistake number four.

"Serena." My father got up and walked over to me looking me dead in the eye. I could tell he was drunk. He quickly threw his fist into my stomach. "When I set a bed time for you I expect for you to be in bed!" I could smell the alcohol in his breath. I still stood there not saw anything trying not to show any pain. My stomach was already bruised from many days before this.

He grabbed my air and threw me down to the floor. I had no air left in my body as he took his foot back and went to kick me in the side. Before he did he said, "Serena your mother would want more of you than this." I always hated when he brought my mother into this. She kept him kind. She died when I was five. Three years later he turned into the monster he is now.

He continually kicked me in my stomach. I could taste my blood in my mouth. He punched me a couple times leaving a bruise on my cheek and gave me a black eye. When he finally left my room it was eleven.

I ran into the bathroom and changed into a tank top and cleaned my stomach up. I made sure I had enough concealer. I climbed into my bed making sure not to put myself into anymore pain. I either passed out from pain or exhaustion.

I woke up in the morning with a wave of pain following. I climbed out of bed causing more pain and hobbled over to the bathtub. I had a very quick bath and got dressed in the school uniform. It was a white dress shirt with the school logo where your heart is and a gray plaid skirt that came down mid-thigh. The guys had to wear black pants instead of a skirt. Every girl could only wear concealer and mascara. We also had to pull our hair back it reaches your shoulders.

I pulled my golden blonde hair back and made sure to hide all my bruises. I threw on my white cat eye glasses and pink fedora. My school didn't care about sunglasses or hats. I love that because it makes it easier to hide my fathers beatings. I looked down to see you could still see cuts on my arm. I ran back into the bathroom and tried to figure out a way to hide them. I threw on my school jacket that only covered my arms and boobs.

I looked over at my clock and saw it was time to leave. I grabbed my black backpack and ran downstairs. I grabbed my keys off the hook and went outside to my black jeep. I climbed in and started it up. I hit a button and the top rolled down. It was still fall time so it was perfect weather. 

I drove off to the local Starbucks. I parked and went inside. I walked up to the counter and ordered a caramel frappe. I grabbed my drink and went to head out. Miette and he group of people walked in. "Oh look if it isn't Serena." She walked up to me and grabbed my drink. "Thanks for getting me this." Her minions laughed as I ran out and to my car. I can't be late again.

I jumped in my car and rode off to school. I parked a block away like I always do. I got out and started to walk the rest of the way. My feet acing from the heels the girls had to wear. When I got to school the first bell rang. I ran off to my locker to grab my books. My heels not helping at all. When I finally reached my locker that late bell already rang. I grabbed my books and a pokeball. I ripped off my heels and ran to my classroom. 

When I reached the classroom everything was still dark. I walked in turning on the light. I saw the small desk the teacher could use and the small desk I saw. This classroom was half the size of the other ones in the school. I quickly put my books on my desk and started sorting it out. My books at the top left corner. Pencils lined up. An extra eraser. An notebook opened to a new page. I took the pokeball out of my pocket and threw it up in the air. The white light grew and a fenniken sat at my feet. 

"Fenniken." I picked it up and started to pet it. I always felt bad that she had to stay in my locker every night. 

"Fenn." She purred. I set her back down and started to look through my bag for the brush I always bring. The only thing I found was a note.

Dear Daughter,

I found a brush in your bag with pokemon fur on it. I will talk to you about this tonight!

I froze in fear knowing what this means. I heard the door open and be locked. "Sorry I am late." I turned around and saw a person I have never seen before.

"Who are you?" I asked terrified. 

"I am your new teacher. Mrs. Ketchum is my name." She hurried over to her desk and set all the books she was carrying.

"What happened to Miss. White." I glared at her.

"I thought you heard. She got fired for something. The principal won't tell any reason why." I starred at this new teacher. I wanted my old teacher back. "Well let's get to work. The test you did were amazing but you never get good grades." She frowned at me. Well this will be an interesting year for sure.

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