Ice Skating Competition

Start from the beginning

Merida: Seriously?

Hiccup: My banana!

Rapunzel: Did you just eat a--

Jack: Yes.

Elsa: --Augh! *collapses*

Elsa: ... *panting* Done..

Rapunzel: Great job, Elsie! *steps on ice*

Jack: WAIT!

Rapunzel: *freezes in position*

Jack: Let's see if it's really thick enough.. *inserts staff to ice with force* *staff is unable to pierce through ice*

Jack: Well.. yup. It's thick. But, it could.. melt.. you know, since it's summer and all.. *hands in pockets* *whistles awkwardly*

Elsa: *sighs* *snaps fingers*

~ a huge-ass flurry appeared above that frozen pool--err ice rink ~

Everyone except Elsa: Woah..

Hiccup: I'm.. having second thoughts about this..


Rapunzel: Skating time!

Everyone except Elsa: *skates into the rink*

Merida: *slips* *trips* *falls on butt*

Merida: ( -_-* )

Hiccup: Mer!

Merida: Please don't-- *gets picked up by Hiccup* *groans*

Hiccup: Here.. *holds onto Merida* Steady.. just balance your feet.. just think that you have tiny sleighs tied to your feet.

Merida: *obeys* *getting the hang of it* O-okay, I think I..

Hiccup: Imma let you go now. *lets Merida go*

Merida: *keeps balance* *legs wobble* Gosh, this hurts.

Hiccup: You're.. doing great, Merida! Now.. take one step.

Merida: *steps forward* *feet wobbles violently*

Hiccup: And.. another step and another!

Merida: *steps again* *feet wobbling* *steps again* *falls*

Hiccup: *catches Mer before she falls* *hands on Mer's waist*

Merida: *hands on Hic's chest and shoulder*

Mericcup: *looks into each other's eyes*

~ cue melodramatic and cliche background music whenever a scene like this happens lmao but meanwhale ~

Rapunzel: *is basically running on ice* *glides* *slides* *stops* *jumps* *twirls* *does some other extreme tricks* *takes a bow to no one particular*

Rapunzel: Nailed it..

Elsa: *feels dizzy and weak*

Jack: *skates over to Elsa*

Jack: Hey, snow. *kisses Elsa*

Elsa: *raises a brow tiredly*

Jack: Ready to kick their butts?

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