31. Love In Memories

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Oliver was thrown roughly to his feet. He was barely awake, but he still grumbled as police hands lifted him up and cuffed his hands.

As he looked upon the bright faces of Team Layton, he snorted with disgust. He looked most disappointed in Clive, but he didn’t give him a second look.

“I was so close…” He murmured his voice weak with a mix of fatigue and the effects of the taser. “So close to achieving my dream…. And you… you ruined it!”

“No, Oliver.” Hershel responded, crossing his arms. “We did put a stop to your plans, but it was your own selfishness and lust for power that inevitably lead to your downfall.”

“Enough with that. Just let me be… I don’t need any more of this…”

As the police went to push him into an approaching car, Katia raised her hand furtively and then grimaced.


Once more the police stopped and Oliver turned to see what could possibly be drawing him back to the faces of his enemies.

“I… I wanted to say that I would like to come and visit you.”

Oliver raised his eyebrow at that and she nodded her head as if to say that she was being serious.

“Why would you want to do that?” He frowned, staring at her with heavy eyes. “I hurt you. I broke your heart.”

She seemed to flinch at that but she nodded her head once more.

“Yes, but… now I understand why you did all this. You just wanted to be with your daughter. You may have gone down a darker path to achieve that goal, but you aren’t evil. For all your horrible actions, you never killed anyone. You do have light inside of you.”

“I don’t understand. Maybe I do have light, but why do you want to help me?”

“Because I do care about you. I don’t want you to be alone in prison, that darkness only festering. I want to spend time with you. Get to know the real you. I will be here in place of the daughter you lost.” She blushed and stroked her head. “I mean, if you would allow me.”

A small tear formed in his eye and he fixed her a big grin.

“That sounds amazing. I would really appreciate that.”

The police had grown impatient and started to push him off.

“See you soon!” She called out to him.

“And I shall see you, my dear Katia!” He laughed as he called over his shoulder.

As Katia turned to rejoin the group, she was surprised by all the beaming faces looking right at her. The Professor approached her, his face showing true joy.

“I am so proud of you, Katia. What you did there was one of the most incredible things I have ever seen.”

“Thank you, Professor.” She said, her heart beating a little faster as she was a bit flustered by this compliment. “I really hope I can make a difference in his life. So he can walk free one day and be a new man with his whole life ahead of him.”

“I hope so too…” Inspector Marauder muttered, taking a step forward, her right arm linked with Benedict’s.

Anton and the rest came around and the others all watched as Oliver sped away. They looked on with warm faces, knowing that a man they once called enemy might not be so bad after all.

“What happens now?” Flora asked, grabbing hold of the Professor’s hand.

“We go home.” He commented, smiling at the young girl.

Professor Layton: Love In All AdversitiesWhere stories live. Discover now