1. Prologue

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Many know the tale of Hershel Layton. Or at least, one would know his title: Professor Layton. Though his first name isn't common knowledge, his title is. Who doesn't know the legendary Professor Layton?

He has always been in the papers. Whether a small case that left a family happy, or a large one that saved the lives of many, the Professor always seems to make his way into the front page headlines.

The first of the big events took place in a town called Misthallery. There the Professor and his gang stopped a demon that was terrorising the townsfolk. Of course, demons aren't real and the Professor set out to prove just that. After wow-ing the world with that stunt, the Professor only kept impressing. Next, he stopped the city of Monte d'Or from being swept up in flood waters caused by the mysterious Masked Gentleman. If that wasn't enough, the Professor stopped the monstrous agency Targent  and caught their leader, all while stopping a world threat.

That was many years ago. After that the Professor went on many more adventures, from a simple murder mystery in the quaint little village of St. Mystere to discovering a terrible secret in the quiet town of Folsense and then saving London from a terrible attack; the Professor has seen it all. It is quite impossible for any to say that the Professor is a hindrance or a scoundrel.

No, the Professor is a modern day saint, if you will. I can say I know from experience. You see, I met the man. Only once and it was the most dazzling moment of my life. I almost lost my life and the Professor saved me. He saves so many lives and he never stops for a thank you. Off he goes to the next town to bring smiles and vanquish evil. All in a day's work for a true gentleman, eh?

If not for Professor Layton, what would we all do? Who will stop the next attack on some unsuspecting village or stop a dastardly villain from destroying the world?

We need Professor Layton and if the world were to lose him, it would be a dark day indeed.


Excerpt from Chapter One of Oliver Strapping's 'The Curious Tale of the True Gentleman'

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