23. Shared Sentiment

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There was a clear sense of unease with half the members of the cabin. As the moon's light dribbled through into the brightly lit cabin, Sophia sighed and turned to gaze into the night sky, which was once black, but now the dazzling purple haze.

"Why did you do it, Anton?'

"You mean... take on the role of a vampire?"

"Well, what do you think I mean?!" She had snapped at him, and only realised how violent she had become when it was too late. "I'm sorry... It's been a hard night... To learn that I am merely an illusion... I still have the thoughts and feelings that a normal person should do, but it is all wrong!"

"It's not wrong, my love." Anton cooed, stroking her hand, "This is a miracle, a second chance. Illusion or not, you are still my Sophia!"

"Thank you..."

"Wait a second!" The Inspector stated, raising her hand to gather their attention. Confusion dappled her face like a mask. "So Anton had put on this facade, that much I know from reading the records, but I want to know why."

"Well, you see..." He placed his finger in the diary page to keep it there and then he addressed the Inspector. "Bitter feelings grew in me when Sophia left. Then soon after, my father died. It was a terrible time in my life and I would spend long days in my room, locked away from the world, dreaming of how I could seek revenge against the world... I was harbouring a hatred for this betrayal. The betrayal I thought Sophia suffered upon me, and the betrayal of the world to take my father. I finally was able to perform these feelings of hatred and desperation as I learned that thieves were stealing gold from our mines. I played the part of the monster to scare them away. If they came too close, I locked them in the cellars for a night to truly frighten them. Then I would let them go so they would spread the rumour."

"That was... tragic..." The Inspector muttered. "But then, how did you find you way again?"

"Well," He smiled, gesturing towards Hershel and Katia. "It was no small effort from these two. I found the light again, and I learned that Sophia hadn't betrayed me. She had done what was best for our child."

Sophia smiled warmly at Anton and as they held each other tightly, all was calm in the Deluxe car.

A bump in the tracks caused them all to start and Anton looked out the window to see the path ahead.

"I better continue with the story then."

 Entry 3

Dinner was grand! I must admit that is was very strange and discomforting as Anton stared at me with those cold eyes and sipped at his wine as if it were some delicacy.

I write this now from my room. It is a most extravagant room and I could only dream to ever own a bedroom of this size in my life. From the ornate furniture to the gold laced curtains, everything demands attention.

I find my eyes growing more restless, and yet I can't help but admire the painting I see before me. It is of a couple dancing in a ball, except the man looks awfully like Anton. It seems strange that it could be him because this scene looks decades old and this man is barely a day over thirty!

And the woman... She has her obvious differences, but there are the striking similarities. The curve of the lips. the warm smile they lent, and the caring eyes.

'Claire." I found myself saying aloud. I was deeply moved. 'You are my sunshine, my happiness in this world...'

I worry, of course, about the pilot. I barely knew the man. We exchanged greetings, but in my wallowing state I rarely found myself able to focus on anything in particular.

Professor Layton: Love In All Adversitiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें