The Art

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I feel the sensation of wetness envolop my body... am I sweating? No... it's water, why is it so dark? I can't breathe, where am I?.

Am I still in the ocean? It's pitch black I can't see anything, am I falling in an abyss? it's cold as ice, almost unbearable.
I continue to sink lower and lower but the lower I go the hotter it gets... I can feel the heat and pressure crushing me.

I look to the bottom and there's a bright light shining, blue flames at the very bottom of the ocean, the water continues to heat up almost boiling me.

"kai!" I hear a voice yell from the flames.

I look to the bottom and try to answer it but water fills my lungs.

I feel the agonizing pain of drowning, oxygen escaping my body as water finds its way in.

"Kai!!" the voice gets louder.

I look again and see dead bodies burning in the flames, some still alive trying to crawl out as they suffer in agony.

I see someone standing on top the bodies staring back at me, his eyes were those of a corpse.... it... it's Jay?.

"you did this kai its all your fault you did this!" His voice distorts.

I sink closer and closer until Jay grabs onto my leg, air escapes my lungs as I try to scream in pain, His hands burn as hot as magma.
I try to scream but water continues to fill my lungs. "Kai! Kai!! Kai!!!" He yells as he drags me lower into the flames.

"Kai wake up!!!"

*I wake up grasping for air*

"You okay bud?" Jay says to me.

I let out an awkward laugh "Yeah, just had a bad dream thats all"

"What was the dream about?"

"Um... just drowning"

"You still have nightmares about 4 years  ago?"

"It's only been 4 years? Feels so much longer"

*Jay punches my arm* "Show no weakness remember, wipe that gloomy look off your face, it's lunch time" he flashes a big grin at me.

"Who you calling a wuss?" I kick him to the ground..."cry baby"

"You jerk!"

I run out of the room and into the halls before he can get his revenge.

Nejire no ha, my new home... huh... well not really new anymore, i've spent as much time here as I did in my old home.
But the difference between here and home... everything is training... actually a fight for yoyr life would be more accurate.

The cafeteria is located at the top floor, but we don't really have... well... stairs you wanna eat? you have to know how to run on walls and climb ropes, everything is an obstacle coarse here, I swear if there was a more difficult way to drink water, this would be where it's discovered.

Jay chases me into the halls and shots are fired, Arrows start to shoot out from the walls but we evade them with ease. We've memorised the patterns by now.

We can here the foot steps off other students behind us, some of them dropping like flies.

We ran for the wall at the end of the hall where we saw andopening to slide under.
Some kids were able to run past us and try to slide through, but the floor board sprung up and sent them flying into the seeling.

"Holy shi.."

"Language Kai!"

"When did they add that? That could have been us"

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