Teenage Love

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 Here, I'm just a boy who was in love with a girl. We're taught that falling in love is part of teenagehood. And that is exactly what I did, I fell in love. My friends were in love, their friends were in love, the chirping birds on the tree were in love. Yet, I was warned of the girl I loved. Tell me honestly, does one find flaws in the person you deeply care? No, you learn to accept those flaws and make them yours. That's what I did, I made all her flaws mine, forever mine. We had our differences during the tough time like exams and small class tests. But we managed to pull it off regardless of the warning signs I ignored. 

Perhaps, I was wrong or maybe I needed the lesson. Love actually takes two individuals to make an immense sacrifice to keep each other happy. I've read posts on "so not cliche type" relationship goals and personally I think it's bullcrap. Every couple has the right to make their own rules and when I say that I mean; well it doesn't even matter anymore. My love and I were the perfect couple according to me, but my friends tell that she wasn't the one for me. As I held her by the waist, she was totally the one for me. We did get intimate but never crossed our limits. 

Was the idea of falling in love was to parade around a girl of my age and be able to talk to friends like a gossip or having a girlfriend was a style statement. Was I too young to understand or just naive 17-year-old boy. Since I couldn't think straight I had trouble concentrating on other things, so I had a little word with my beloved. She thinks that we can make it work and that I was the one for her. It was absolutely fine to have best friends. Everyone wants or have best friends in their lives, so did my beloved. Her best friend was a boy with that I trusted her more than my own shadow!

Every Teenagehood love story have cliche dramatic scenes, I had mine. We fought for no apparent reason, our chats reduced yet we made an effort to convince people that everything was normal or maybe I was just trying too hard to convince myself that she was the one for me. The promises we made to stay together, I must abide those vows! I couldn't accept the fact that she and I would ever break up. Girls when they're angry they go to any extent to show how frustrated they are or sometimes use the social media to hurt someone indirectly. On a social media platform when your girlfriend gives credits to another boy for her display picture with which he has no connections whatsoever, who can tolerate such ill-treatment? I couldn't, the man in me didn't let my ego rest. It was time for comebacks. 

I too did the exact same thing, I tagged other girls in my display picture. For obvious reasons she got pretty upset and decided to give another go at our argument. Things went for a while like this, soon I realised that my beloved proposed her best friend and even got rejected. 

If you're wondering how I'm doing; I'm doing just fine. Our breakup made me realize the importance of love and materialistic love. I could now contemplate my mistakes and sometimes life. I pour my heart out in writing. It eases my mind from all worldly chaos.

Love, It's a funny word I think yet the most powerful feeling. 

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