"Ughh I know!" I groan loudly.

"Don't do that." He says leaning a little closer to me.

"What?" I ask completely freaked out at his sudden change of moods. One minute we're laughing and the next he is pissed at me?

"That sound you made," he sits back seeming suddenly flustered. "Don't do that around me."

"Okay." I say harshly. I was confused and now annoyed and really didn't see the point in spending anymore time with this guy. If I could go the rest of the weekend without seeing him I would be able to die happy. Just make it through this weekend and then you can drive home and never have to worry about him again I thought to myself, standing and walking over to Sarah and Jake.

They were in the pool, she was yelling obnoxiously while he splashed her. I took my shirt and shorts off tossing them onto an empty chair leaving me in my swimsuit. I sat on the concrete edge and let my feet dangle in the cool water.

"Stells! Come in the water with us!" Sarah yelled even though I was sitting three feet away from her. She had her hand wrapped around Jake's neck and her legs wrapped around his waist while his hands held her by her bum.

Just as I was about to tell her to piss off I was cut off, "Yeah Stells," Luke mimicked Sarah's high pitched voice. "Get in the water with us." He pulled his shirt up and over tossing it to the ground and jumping in. I noticed he had really broad shoulders, they seemed to go on forever.

"Don't call me that." I said as soon as his head popped up from under the water. He took his lip ring in between his teeth and smirked at me.

"Stella Murphy when a cute guy asks you to swim with him you don't boss him around." Sarah scolded me, she was never shy when it came to giving me relationship advice. I rolled my eyes in response and swatted the water at her.

Luke swam up to me and stopped where my feet dangled. "Bossing is for the bedroom." He said slowly and quietly. Before I had time to process what he was implying he grabbed my ankles and pulled me in.

I screamed which lead to every singe family member of mine to look at Luke and I. I was holding onto him like my life depended on it and everyone's jaws seemed to be wide open. I turned my attention back to Luke realizing just how close our faces were.

"Sorry" I whispered. Still jolding onto him.

"For what?" He said just as quietly, his blue eyes staring straight into mine and just like the water I felt myself swimming in them.

"I'm not sure." I giggled.

He set me down and we both swam closer to Jake and Sarah. I could feel Luke's eyes following me but I was too flustered to even try to decide how I felt about it. This was turning out to be the weirdest barbecue ever.

"Do you remember when we used to set the volleyball net up and play in the pool at uncle Richie's house?" Sarah asked me smiling at Luke and I.

"Oh my god, yes!" I smiled back thinking of the many memories. "Remember when I got that black eye from the ball hitting me in the face?" Sarah and I began to laugh hysterically.

"From Michael right? Whatever happened to that boy?" She asked still laughing. Michael had attempted to spike the ball over the net and I thought I was a bad ass and ended up catching the ball with my face.

"I haven't talked to him in years." I said honestly. "Now that I think about it I kind of miss him."

"Are we just gonna sit here and talk all day or are we gonna have some fun?" Luke interrupted sort of rudely. Sarah and I both turned our attention to him and shrugged.

"We don't even have a net, what do you wanna do swim laps?" She joked.

"I have a better idea." Luke looked at Jake and smirked. "Grab your girl." He said and started to wrap his fingers around my waist.

"What are you-" I was being lifted into the air only to see Sarah was now sitting on Jake's shoulder. "Luke!" I put my hands on his shoulders to balance myself while trying to adjust my legs without falling into the water.

After a few minutes of awkward shuffling around I had my hands in Luke's hair and his hands were holding me by my thighs. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. I flipped Sarah off as soon as I saw the smirk plastered across her face.

"May the best bikini wearing babe win." Jake said before moving a little closer to where Luke was standing.

Sarah stretched her arms out at me and started to push me backwards. My legs tightened around Luke involuntarily but he didn't seem to mind. I tried to get a hold of her but her body kept slipping out of my grip until finally one good shove had me falling backwards. I felt Luke's grip loosen on my legs and I felt sort of sad.

"Are you really gonna let her beat you?" Luke asked reaching his hand out for me to grab. I shook my head before he hoisted me up into his shoulders again.

"Kick her ass." He pinched my thigh and I smiled even though he couldn't see it.

Sarah was winning and loving every second of it, "Oh come on Stells, is that all you've got?" She pouted her lips at me and I could feel the need to dunk her ass in the water growing.

This time when she reached for me I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me roughly. She wobbled slightly while Jake tried to steady her. Not this time bitch I thought smirking to myself. Her free hand still reached for me and with one hard tug she was splashing below me.

Double update yay:) also if you're just starting this stay tuned for tons of sexiness from the one and only Daddy Luke ;) also vote/comment the more votes the sooner I'll update....

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