Food For Thought...Or Scars

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***Warning***-this chapter is a flash back. This may be a trigger for some. There will also be strong language. You might want to go back and read the last chapter just to have it fresh in your mind so this chapter makes a little more sense.

P.S.- I will be posting another chapter either later today or sometime tomorrow. Nathan will be in it!!!!


Sang POV -(8 yrs old)

I watch from the doorway as Mother grabbed the stool and the rope off of the counter.

"Get in here you ungrateful slut." Her voice echoed across the kitchen. I walk in slowly. Hoping against hope that it won't be a word today. As I get close she swings the stool around and hits me across the face. As my vision darkens I hear her say," Moving slow just pisses me off  whore."

I wake up to the sound of pots banging around. I can feel that I am on the kitchen floor and Mother must have tied me up while I was unconscious. I open my eyes to slits so she won't notice that I am awake. What I see shocks me so much that I can't stop my eyes form widening. Mother was cooking. It looks like she has been cooking for awhile. The counters are covered in sweets and a feast I only heard other kids talk about, for I had never seen anything close before now. What on earth is that woman doing?

"Ah look. The lazy bitch is finally awake. Did you take a nice nap, you worthless piece of shit?" Her mother glared down at her. She knew better than to respond." Well I wanted to give you special treat since you thought burning my breakfast was acceptable. What would you like? Perhaps some potatoes?" Mother walks balk to the counter and grabs the bowl and a spoon. She walks back towards me and the look on her face scares me. She is smiling like it was Christmas. She takes a spoonful of the mashed potatoes that must be fresh as they are still steaming and drops it on to my arm. I let out a muffled cry. Knowing not to make a sound but unable to completely cut it off at the hot temperature of the potatoes that are siting on my arm. She slowly but steadily drops more potatoes on to my bare skin. The clumps cool down rapidly. Once she notices this she drops the bowl on the ground, not caring that the bowl shatters. "Well looks like I'll have to throw all this food in the trash. Along with you whore." Mother then takes  all the food and sweets and throws it at me. Dish and all. Sadly, she is not satisfied. She comes over with a pair of scissors and cuts off my shirt. She walks back to the stove and grabs a steaming pot and another spoon. She walks behind me and kneels down. " Mashed potatoes aren't complete without gravy."

She drips boiling hot gravy across my back. I couldn't hold back my screams. Later when I am treating the burns I will be able to hold them back, but know I am so lost in the pain of the burn I can't help crying out. Thankfully the gravy is cool after about 10 minutes ad she only was able to burn my back before she got bored. " Clean up your mess you worthless piece of trash." With those parting words she leaves the room. I hear her door close and can't hold back the tears. Yes I am in pain ,but the humiliation I feel is what truly breaks me in that moment. For even siting on the floor covered in food and siting in a pile of food that is now no better than trash, I can't help but want to eat some of it. She has kept me from food for the last day and a half and this trash is more than tempting than anything in the world. I stare at my hand wrapped around a clump of cupcake and try to not let her words ring true in my mind. I'm not trash...Right?


AN-So...I'm sorry for being away. Life is hectic. I was going to update sooner, but if you are I the Facebook page you know why I haven't. If you aren't then allow me to explain. The day I was going to sit and write my Grandmother passed away. I still sat down to write but after staring at a blank page for 4 hours I gave up. Also, if you are not on the page you should really join!

Anyway here you go. Hope you enjoyed!

Until Next Time,

Lots of Love

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